Become a sponsor of the most innovative, culturally aware, and inspiring magazine in print & online!

At The Fox Magazine, our goal is to inspire people to dream bigger by connecting with goal-oriented, innovative and focused individuals who are dedicated to inspiring others. We understand the continuing importance of print and its powerful relationships with other media.

Your support will provide funding that is bound to inspire someone to chase their dreams or get to the next level.

See below for our editorial calendar, demographics, and distribution.

Click to view our detailed media kit!

In January 2020, we introduced the Dreaming Bigger Podcast. Each month, we bring you the stories of beginnings, creativity, and risk from the people out there making it happen.

Binta Dixon sits down with entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators from the worlds of photography, food, travel, music, fashion, technology and more to discuss how they get it done while inspiring you to do the same.

Learn more about how to get involved as a sponsor below:


  • JOIN THE MOVEMENT to change lives and make a real impact on people wanting to chase their dreams.
  • GIVE BACK to your community by helping those who need it most.
  • INCREASE your brand exposure and elevate your corporate identity within a millennial community.
  • STRENGTHEN your brand’s reputation as a good corporate citizen to your readers, employees and local residents.


  • INTRODUCTION to the audience through newsletter announcing sponsorship.
  • MAIN sponsorship display of choice in podcast episodes.
  • ACCESS to read all The Fox Magazine publications online.

All pricing is $USD. Worldwide sponsorships encouraged.

– Pre-roll $100: an ad that gets mentioned at the beginning of a podcast (analogous to YouTube pre-roll ads). This can be up to 2 minutes.

– Mid-roll $75: an ad that plays in the middle of a podcast. This can be up to 1 minute.

– Outroll $50: the last few words of a podcast where the advertiser can slip in a final call to action. This can be up to 30 seconds.

– Offer code $25: a coupon code that the host gives to the audience to track conversions directly to the ad campaign. 15-second promo.


All sponsorships give us the right to use your logo as a sponsor display on the web. Trust us, it’s worth it.


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