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    Kabaki Tea Is The Super Tea We All Need

    Kabaki Tea Is The Super Tea We All Need

    Kenyan Purple Tea restores vitality through potent antioxidants and helps rural farming communities in Kenya.

    What makes Kabaki Kenyan Purple Tea so special is that for generation after generation, harvest after harvest, their purple tea plants have grown to thrive in the extraordinary climate of the Kenyan mountains. In this place, the intense African sun is tempered by the cool mountain air allowing ultraviolet rays to deeply penetrate the tea leaves, resulting in their vibrant color, high levels of potent antioxidants, and delicate flavor.

    It is the adventurous spirit of these tended lands, of resilience and beauty, that is infused into each purple tea leaf!

    All tea comes from one plant called Camellia Sinensis (amazing, right!). The individual character of each tea varietal develops through the climate, cultivation, and preparations of the plant and its harvested leaves. What makes Kabaki Kenyan Purple Tea so special is that for generation after generation, harvest after harvest, our purple tea plants have grown to thrive in the extraordinary climate of the Kenyan mountains.

    For millions of years tea plants have been developing super-power defenses: antioxidants! Kabaki Kenyan Purple Tea is more potent in antioxidants than ANY other tea! Yes, that means higher levels than even green or black tea! With vibrant purple leaves, the special tea blend is FULL of violet-colored anthocyanin and polyphenol antioxidants, two of the most researched natural compounds in the prevention of cancers, brain diseases, and heart disease.


    Kabaki is pure: no preservatives, naturally low in caffeine, and all ingredients are grown using organic and sustainable practices. Journey through five ready-to-drink infusions starting with the original unsweetened with earthy hints of antioxidant-rich tea leaves or with notes of blueberry and just a touch of organic cane sugar to sweeten.

    Each bottle of Kabaki Purple Tea is brimming with the vitality of the African sun, offering a refreshing delight with balanced energy!

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    Kabaki Tea Is The Su…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 4 min