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    The Impact Of Job Satisfaction + Tips On Landing Dream Job

    The Impact Of Job Satisfaction + Tips On Landing Dream Job

    Job satisfaction is the contentment you get with your job.

    It goes beyond your daily duties and covers organization policies, satisfaction with your team members or managers, and the impact of the job on your personal life. The absence of job satisfaction can end your career or bring down a company. Therefore, companies and organizations benefit more when there is increased satisfaction at work.

    The results are self-evident, employee drive to make the business grow increases, and they work hard to put the company at the apex in terms of success. The company has to ensure the employees are satisfied.

    By actively working on improving job satisfaction in the company, you end up having more engaged and involved employees who are willing to go the extra mile. This benefits your business in several ways, such as:

    1. Translates into Customer Satisfaction

    When your employees are unhappy with their job or how they are being treated at work, it reflects heavily on the interaction with customers. Customer care centers can’t have dissatisfied employees as they can put off potential clients and existing clients with their words and actions. Even non-customer support jobs can affect your company if they have low satisfaction and can cause many errors in the workflow like you getting a higher defect rate from your customers or bad code in the software development.

    Therefore, employee satisfaction is important for businesses that deal directly with customers. If the environment is conducive, you can easily enjoy your dream job.

    2. Decline in Voluntary Turnover

    The business turnover can be good at times if you bring in fresh talent who want to be there and value the work as their dream job. However, voluntary turnover can make you lose your top talented employees over the years if there is no job satisfaction or the environment is not conducive. These talents can exit with crucial knowledge, which could have edged you above your competitors for service and products. Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.

    This is why you need to keep all your workers happy and healthy at all times. Lots of HR departments have realized that developing a wellness plan can easily make everyone in the workplace feel happier and fulfilled. Try your best to improve their experience and you’ll be rewarded with loyal and satisfied employees.

    3. Increased Chances of Referrals

    Employee referrals are one of the most effective recruitment tools and make up 7% of applications, with over 40% of them being hired. If you have a dream job and are satisfied at work, including the pay scale, you are more likely to recommend to your friends. A dissatisfied employee will definitely not. Non-compensation makes up the things considered in assessing whether to recommend a talent.

    4. Job Satisfaction Leads to Increased Productivity

    A positive work environment makes employees do their best, which increases productivity. Unhappy employees perform below average. Businesses, companies, or organizations with high job satisfaction have prioritized their employee wellness.

    5. Lowers Human Resource Costs

    There is a need to plan for both variable and fixed costs in your HR budget. Low job satisfaction puts a dent on the variable costs and often leads to the need to rehire and retrain which is costly in terms of turnover.

    Prioritizing job satisfaction enables you to ensure you have no unprecedented issues arising from low satisfaction. Learn more here about lowering your human resource costs. Most organizations, businesses and companies are seeing the need to invest in job satisfaction.

    How to Get Your Dream Job

    As much as work is a reality today, most employees are more focused on advancing their careers and purpose. It means that if you are looking for your dream job, you must first know where to start. Do the following three things discussed below.

    Build a Strong Network

    About 85% of jobs are through networking. Therefore, you must have a strong network and know how to use your networking skills to get that dream job. Start building your network by sending out email invitations. Also, reach out to employees on your level and remain proactive. Foster human connections which is what people look for.

    Know How to Pass an Interview

    Interview blunders won’t do you any good. Never over-explain yourself or come up with a negative disposition as they will work against you. 17% of HR managers say that asking your interviewer personal questions counts against the interviewee. Try to practice common interview questions. Give concise and hirable answers.

    Do a Thorough Research

    To land your dream job, you must know your job well, including the ins and outs. Take time to know the organization or company, the hiring manager, and job. Use resources like LinkedIn to learn and prepare better. Research to know what your dream job entails and the skills you need. Use online resources like a HR blog or online assessment tools to give you a good idea of what the job entails and what is happening in the industry currently as this can give you a foot up in the interview stage. Dive in on what you really want and what it will take you to get there.

    If you know how to network, research, and interview well, basically, you have the skills you need to land your dream job. Job satisfaction is vital in a workplace environment.

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    The Impact Of Job Sa…

    by Paul Tinsley Time to read this article: 12 min