Retaining walls are rigid walls strategically located in a building site to provide lateral support for the soil so the structure can be adequately retained.
They’re integrated into the site design to keep the soil in place. These walls must adhere to the highest construction standards because they receive pressure horizontally instead of vertically. Contractors understand that such retaining walls are essential to keeping the site safe throughout the construction phase and beyond.
Contractors can choose different types of retaining walls depending on the site’s purpose, slope, and topography. What’s essential is the builders will be able to construct appropriate soil retaining wall structures that can add aesthetic value and provide structural integrity for the site. Different retaining wall types can accentuate the site and add much-needed valuation to the property. They can also provide additional space for various purposes.
Here are some factors to consider when selecting the best retaining wall for the building.
Among the first considerations that need to be factored in is the material used for the retaining wall, or støttemur if that’s what you call it. Builders can choose from different types of timber, poured concrete, a natural stone retaining wall, various masonry materials, and prefabricated concrete segmental blocks.
Selecting the best possible material will ensure stability and integrity and enhance the property value.
Type of wall
Architects and engineers will have to determine which of the different retaining wall designs would suffice for the site. They can choose among buttressed, gravity retaining, crib, cantilever, anchored, piled, or mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls. Each of these walls has its advantages and disadvantages, and the design and engineering professionals will determine their efficacy. Each retaining wall design will also open avenues for beautifying the space, and integrating the concept into the building design will unify the site.
Onsite placement
Another factor for consideration is the onsite placement of the retaining walls. The actual placement of the retaining walls on the site will also have to be considered, as it can affect the safety and security of the area. However, the engineers overseeing the erection of the walls will have enough input regarding the design and materials because they understand the stress the walls will have to endure.
All retaining walls must have an adequately designed drainage system in place. Among the most common causes of retaining walls failing is the inadequacy of the drainage system integrated into the walls. The soil pressure, coupled with moisture buildup, can present problems to the structural integrity of the retaining wall. Therefore, engineers and architects must integrate this feature seamlessly to ensure the stability of the structure.
Another integral factor to consider is the overall cost of installing the retaining wall. Depending on the material, breadth, and scope of the structure, costs may vary accordingly. However, cost shouldn’t be an issue considering the benefits of the retaining wall.
Several factors go into deciding what kind of retaining walls would suffice for building sites. It’s necessary to look into everything to ensure that the walls provide adequate protection and support.