As a professional, it’s vital that you promote your legal services so those who need help can find you.

Fortunately, the internet makes it easier than ever. Here are some tips to get started.

Register with Google My Business

You may have heard of SEO. SEO is how your website speaks to search engines like Google. This is mainly done based on keywords. However, local SEO can also help people find you. This is especially useful for finding clients nearby. Suppose you are a car accident lawyer offering services within a citywide radius. Getting on Google My Business by registering will use local SEO to show your practice when someone searches for legal services in your area.

Create Easily Digestible Content

You can also use SEO to boost organic (unpaid) traffic to your website based on its content. Without content, your company website is more of a digital business card. But with content, it becomes a learning resource with value. And with valuable and relevant content comes an increased chance of showing up in a Google search. However, content must be easily digestive by clients, such as short blog posts, podcasts, and explainer videos, without technical jargon.

Have Clients Promote Your Legal Services

One of the best things about the web is that you can connect with people easily. This is valuable for demonstrating your services. Testimonials are a trendy way of conveying honest services:

  • Include genuine testimonials on your website.
  • Ask for Google reviews of your services on Google My Business.
  • Ask clients to comment on your social media pages.
  • Monitor and engage with the comments section of your blogs and videos.

Having past clients review your services is an excellent way to boost business. Studies have concluded that people are 58% more likely to use a service if they have access to reviews.

Direct Online Traffic to Your Site

Content is a great way to get organic traffic to your site. However, there are multiple other avenues of attaining a higher volume. You can direct traffic to your site through different businesses and services you operate. Or you can increase volume from backlinks coming in from relevant sources. And the key is relevancy. Be aware you cannot plaster links all over the web, or Google will penalize your site. Inbound links must come from relevant sources.

Work Hard and Honestly for Clients

Of course, you are your company’s best advertisement and promotion. You can increase your client base by doing your job well and professionally. Doing this builds trust and a reputation in your community and sector. With this comes word of mouth and recognition. Both of which easily spread through channels such as social media platforms. With time, patience, and dedication to your clients, it won’t be long before you have plenty of business coming in.


There are plenty of ways you can promote your legal services for more business. Local SEO is a great start. Yet you can also use client testimonials and establish a solid reputation.
