Straight from their Code of Ethics, Dolce & Gabbana writes:

For Dolce & Gabbana, respect for the environment is a fundamental value that the company pursues by adopting sustainable conduct when performing its activities and supporting initiatives and projects to combat climate change.

To fall in line with this core value, the fashion house is taking more transparent steps to invest in sustainable fashion options and business practices. Most recently, they have announced a movement away from furs in favor of a more eco-friendly option. It is an evolution many are thrilled to see.

The Cry for Change

In recent years, it has become clear that younger generations go out of their way to support brands and enterprises focused on sustainability efforts. Millennials and Gen Z are entering the global markets and are hyper-aware of where their products come from. This is upsetting the balance of many industries, fashion included. This shift in values and, as a result, spending practices of many consumers has caused several designers to re-evaluate their business and production standards. Dolce & Gabbana are jumping on board as well.

The Steps Toward Sustainable

In January 2022, the communication and marketing officer of Dolce & Gabbana, Fedele Usai, issued a statement saying, “The entire fashion system has a significant social responsibility role that must be promoted and encouraged.” In concert with the Humane Society International, the press release revealed Dolce & Gabbana’s vow to become a fur-free fashion house by the end of 2022.

Usai declares, “Dolce & Gabbana is working towards a more sustainable future that can’t contemplate the use of animal fur.”

This push comes from on high within the brand as executives continue to search for ways to be environmentally friendly. In addition to the ethical concerns of using real furs, production causes lasting climate issues with the build-up of methane from manure emissions and chemicals from prepping a preserving the pelts. D&G sees these problems and is ready to take its efforts to the next level.

The Preservation of Art

Abandoning this cornerstone of fashion does not come without some downfalls. Many master furriers, the artists responsible for producing the furs used by the designers, will be left without employment and a place to use their unique skill set. In their push to drop furs from their line, Dolce & Gabbana has committed to the research and development of eco-furs as an alternative in partnership with these furriers. Usai, from D&G, states,

“We will integrate innovative materials into our Collections and develop environmentally friendly production processes, while at the same time preserve artisans’ jobs and know-how otherwise in danger of fading.”

The brand’s interest is in sustainability, not destroying the livelihood of the artisans producing the furs. This effort speaks to the importance of taking care of their people in a meaningful way while being environmentally and ethically responsible.

The Eye on the Future

Dolce & Gabbana has long been a standard for excellence within the fashion community. Instead of seeing this overwhelming movement of the world towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, D&G is pivoting and re-evaluating what makes high fashion iconic. Just as they are working on bringing all of their beauty business in-house, they are also unafraid of the challenge that lies ahead in creating a truly sustainable fashion enterprise; it is exciting to think about what they might bring us next in light of it.

What does the future hold for this formidable fashion house? There is still more work to be done, but this elimination of furs is an excellent first step in connection with their stated company values of ongoing sustainability.
