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    The Holistic District Elevates Tranquility and Wellness Through The Benefits Of Nature

    The Holistic District Elevates Tranquility and Wellness Through The Benefits Of Nature

    In a world filled with pharmaceuticals, The Holistic District promotes health and wellness through the benefits of CBD.

    It is at their core belief that nature holds the true keys to our well-being. Founder & CEO of The Holistic District, Kevin Archer Sr., a certified CBD Advisor, launched this company after 25 years in the healthcare sector. Kevin spent 10 years as the President of a multi-million-dollar healthcare management company. Over those years Kevin encountered countless individuals that suffered from the negative side effects from the use of traditional medications. Having experienced similar effects from traditional medicines himself, Kevin was always looking for something to increase wellness through natural remedies.

    As an avid runner & swimmer Kevin often dealt with chronic shoulder & knee discomfort. After trying several over the counter medications over the years, nothing seemed to provide the relief he was seeking. After exhaustive research and learning of all the natural benefits of CBD, Kevin started using CBD for his issues. Before long, the issues that were interfering with his abilty to get through the night due to his ongoing discomfort turned into bliss.

    So enamored by the benefits of CBD, Kevin began to share his joy for CBD with friends and family. As they learned of all the benefits, one after another provided tremendous feedback of their experienced benefits from CBD, and then a vision was born. What began as just a joy for finding a natural product that provided so many benefits morphed into a passion to share the joys of CBD with as many people as possible. The Holistic District is here to educate, provide access to the benefits of CBD, and to help alleviate the stigmas associated with the hemp plant.

    There are still many questions about CBD. The educational aspect of The Holistic District puts it in a unique category of CBD brands. The company’s products are made with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and they are third-party tested for purity and potency. They are also committed to sustainability, and they use recycled materials in their packaging.  If you are looking for a company that sells high-quality CBD products, teaches you about the benefits, and provides excellent customer service, look no further than The Holistic District.

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    The Holistic Distric…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 5 min