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    Popular Careers In IT That Might Interest You

    Popular Careers In IT That Might Interest You

    You are reading this blog because you are interested in a career in IT.

    Maybe you’re already an IT professional, or maybe you’ve always had a knack for computers and technology but never really knew what to do with it. Either way, if you’re searching for the right path to pursue your passion, then I’m glad that you found my blog.

    In this article we will be exploring 9 popular careers in information technology that might interest you.

    1 – A Career in Cyber Security

    Interested in a career as a security analyst? According to the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), employment for information security analysts is projected to grow 28% from 2012 to 2022. That’s quite impressive, considering the recent surge in cybercrime. This profession requires individuals who can think logically and solve problems under pressure, so it is perfect for those who love a challenge. What better way to protect ourselves from dangerous hackers and cyber criminals than by learning how they think and identifying their weaknesses? If this interests you, why not consider a master of cyber security as a field of study? There will always be a need for more people in this area.

    2 – A Career in Database Administration

    According to BLS, the field of database administration should grow 36% from 2012 to 2022. Each day, businesses across the world upload important documents, financial records, and other sensitive data to a database. They trust this information will be safe from prying eyes. Well, it won’t stay that way for long if someone doesn’t monitor the databases. That’s why careers in database administration are so important. Database administrators have a responsibility to ensure that their company’s data is always up-to-date and secure. Database administrators tend to work behind the scenes, so if you’re interested in a career that is often kept out of the spotlight, then this might just be the right fit for you.

    3 – A Career in Programming

    It is estimated that the field of programming should grow by 22% from 2012 to 2022. This is the perfect career path for those who love problem-solving and writing computer code. Some people refer to this as a “tech-head” job, because you really need to know your stuff to succeed in this field. You probably won’t be able to write code without at least some experience with programming, so I would strongly advise that you learn a programming language and gain experience by studying and working with code before pursuing a career in programming. It is not uncommon for programmers to start out as an intern, so it’s never too early to start preparing for your dream job.

    4 – A Career in Information Technology Management

    Are you interested in combining your passion for technology with your leadership skills? Then a career in information technology management might be perfect for you. According to BLS, the employment of managers of information technology systems is projected to grow 13% from 2012 to 2022. Starting salaries are often quite high, so it’s an occupation that is not only financially rewarding but also very satisfying. If you are able to use your leadership skills to motivate your co-workers and improve efficient workflow, then maybe a career in information technology management is right for you.

    5 – A Career in Computer Networking

    Computer networking is another field that should experience much growth. If you are looking for a job where you can be the “go-to” person in your company for anything IT-related, then a career in computer networking might be perfect for you. Networking professionals are responsible for designing and managing all of the computers and other devices used by a business so that they can communicate with each other efficiently.

    6 – A Career in Web Development

    If you are interested in a job where you can work with websites, then a career as a web developer might be right for you. Each year, more and more people turn to the Internet for information on products and services. This means that the web development industry is constantly growing, so there are many opportunities for individuals who want to pursue a career in this exciting field.

    7 – A Career in Information Security

    Every day, businesses across the world are attacked by cybercriminals seeking private information about employees and customers. Information security analysts are responsible for identifying these threats and helping their company develop the best possible plan of action to keep private data secure. This is a very important job, so if you enjoy working with computers and protecting people’s personal information, then this could be the right career path for you.

    8 – A Career in Network Security

    Network security is a field that deals specifically with guarding computer networks against unauthorized access, so if you are interested in a career where your job will be to protect the information, then this might just be the right fit for you. Employment of network and computer systems administrators is projected to grow 15%. If you enjoy working with networks and keeping private data secure, then a career as a network security professional could be perfect for you.

    9 – A Career in Web Design

    Finally, if your dream job would involve creating websites that are aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate, then maybe a career in web design is perfect for you. Although it sounds similar, this is not the same as web development. It does not require coding, but rather focuses on its overall aesthetic of it. The demand for aesthetically appealing websites will also continue to rise, so there are many opportunities available for people who want to pursue a career in web design.

    There are many different careers in information technology that might interest you. IT is a rapidly growing industry, so there are many opportunities for individuals who want to pursue a career in this exciting field. Each year, more and more people turn to the Internet for information on products and services, which means that the web development industry is constantly growing. If you enjoy working with computers and protecting people’s personal information, then one of the nine popular careers in IT we’ve listed might be perfect for you.

    1 Comment

    • Adam
      May 28, 2022

      Great tips! I’m actually studying programming right now and I think it’s very demanding and could have a great career ahead of me. Sites like help find solutions to code errors, or just ask more experienced programmers questions.

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    Popular Careers In I…

    by Jennifer Smith Time to read this article: 14 min