Having an internet connection these days is not only useful, it has become absolutely essential with many viewing its accessibility as more of a social justice issue than simply a matter of being able to browse the web.
What you may not know is that there are different ways of setting up wireless connections at home or your small business. We are most familiar with DSL and fiber glass connectivity, but there are also fixed wireless connections that can help.
These have numerous benefits and have become a clarion call for those who want stable, strong WiFi connections.
Read on for more information if you’re interested in learning more about this vital utility.
What is So Special About Fixed Wireless?
You’re probably wondering what a fixed wireless connection even entails. Basically, your provider will send someone over to your house to set up the receiver, which will then connect to the nearest wireless base station. This will offer you tremendous access to the internet through the cable that carries the signal for broadband. It does this all the way from the receiver to the router that you have set up in your home.
Fixed wireless connections are used primarily in areas that do not have any way of setting up the infrastructure for other broadband services such as DSL. The latter needs a lot in order to be set up properly, and it can be very expensive. Purchasing and transporting the necessary cables and burying them in the ground is a huge and costly endeavor, one that many of us living in bigger cities can take for granted. In rural areas without the required infrastructure to set up a DSL connection, fixed wireless is a good bet, one which makes more financial sense and can pay for itself in dividends in the future. So, if you live or work in an area that is not densely populated and cannot afford the costs incurred by DSL, then fixed wireless connections are usually the way to go.
Ease of Set Up
Now, let’s move on to the benefits of fixed wireless networks. First off, they are much easier to set up and require fewer pieces of equipment. The other options available, of course, need specialized cables and equipment, not to mention a pair of experienced hands to handle everything. You can learn more about the difference here, but in general, fixed wireless connections are known to be a fairly low maintenance way of approaching this common problem.
Faster Service
Unlike the services we receive through traditional means, a fixed wireless network has higher caps, and sometimes no caps at all. Furthermore, you can download heavier files at a much faster rate than what you can expect from run of the mill broadband services. So, just because you live in a place that lacks a DSL infrastructure does not mean that you have to settle for subpar service. In fact, the performance level of fixed wireless connections are actually better while offering you more flexibility and speed at a lower cost.
It Can Work in Any Environment
While the advantages of fixed wireless connections truly shines in rural areas, it can actually work in any environment. For example, if you are a business owner operating in an urban area that does not have a decent broadband connection, then looking into installing a fixed wireless connection could be extremely helpful. Traditional wired internet requires that you dig up into the ground for the cables to be installed, which is a real hassle. No one wants to take on the burden of doing construction work just to have internet access, so it makes sense to look into the more affordable – and sane – option of established fixed wireless networks.
They Can Weather the Elements
A common misconception is that fixed wireless networks are especially vulnerable to inclement weather. While it is difficult to assess the extent to which any wireless internet connection can remain impervious to a hurricane, heavy winds, a thunderstorm, and so on, rest assured that fixed wireless connections are very stable. Any risk you may find or an issue that you end up dealing with won’t be any different than anything that comes up with typical broadband, so you’re not signing up for a “lemon.”
If you’re interested in finding a way to get your family or coworkers online fast with less headaches than other methods, then fixed wireless networks could be for you. They are far easier to install than you would think, as well being fast and cost effective. Contacting a service provider operating your area will help you decide whether it is the right solution for you.