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    4 Warnings Worth Noting for Tourists Traveling Overseas

    4 Warnings Worth Noting for Tourists Traveling Overseas

    Could there be anything better than traveling? Yes, that would be traveling overseas.

    There are many personal reasons why someone may choose to step out of their country’s borders. These may include learning about new cultures and ethnicities, thirst for adventure, personal development, and better mental health.

    If you are a seasoned traveler consumed by wanderlust, you must be aware of the essentials checklist. Tourists are often advised to plan their packing, pack light and right, book everything in advance, and so on.

    What about some crucial words of caution? In this article, you will discover four important travel warnings for overseas tourists.

    Be Mindful of Your Body Language

    We understand that certain hand gestures or signs that we make are habitual and not really under our control. However, overseas tourists must be mindful of their body language because a single slip-up can lead to mass agitation.

    Let’s look at a list of some countries along with body language that could get you kicked out –

    • Indonesia – Avoid using your left hand while accepting gifts or shaking hands. It is traditionally viewed as unclean since the left hand is associated with cleaning oneself in the toilet.
    • Croatia – Do not display your thumb, index, and middle finger all at once. Doing so may portray you as a Serbian Nationalist. Anti-Serb sentiments prevail due to post-war disturbances.
    • All Buddhist countries – Never touch anyone’s head, especially if they’re bald. As the feet are viewed as the dirtiest part of one’s body, the head is seen as the holiest. Touching the head would be considered an insult.
    • Turkey – Avoid blowing your nose or picking your teeth in public places. These are seen as signs of breaching personal hygiene and may be frowned upon.
    • Japan – Keep in mind to not address locals by their first name. Such a form of addressing is reserved for close relations. You can call people by their family name, which usually precedes the first name in this country.
    • Bangladesh and Iran – Do not use the ‘thumbs up’ sign in these countries as it is considered rude and indecent.

    Familiarize Yourself with the Commute Routes

    Since the purpose of travel is to explore, we would not ask you to shy away from venturing into off-the-beaten paths. Regardless of where you’re traveling, consult locals to familiarize yourself with the area’s layout.

    This is especially useful if you’re relying on affordable means of public transportation. Let’s use an example to understand. Suppose you wish to explore a green city in the US. Presently, your best bet would be Chicago, a city that is expected to enjoy 100% renewable energy by 2035.

    This means the scope of modes of commuting is also vast, including electrical cars on rent. Using this medium would allow you the privacy and freedom to travel anywhere within the city. However, if you’re not familiar with the routes and traffic rules, the chances of getting into an accident are high.

    TorHoerman Law states that the most common causes of accidents in Chicago are overspeeding, road hazards, and intoxication. The roads do not know or care whether you’re a local or a tourist who made a 1000-mile journey. A wrong move can and will get you in a warped situation.

    Besides the possibility of sustaining painful injuries, you may have to look for a reliable personal injury lawyer in Chicago, IL for compensation. Such a fate and hassle can be avoided simply by knowing how to navigate the roads of Chicago or any other city for that matter.

    Stick to the Dress Code

    While most countries allow their visitors to dress however they want, those belonging to the Middle East are generally stricter in this regard. We are not suggesting that you may end up behind bars for not following a dress code.

    It is still advised that tourists wear modest clothes in the Middle East, abiding by the local customs and traditions. In other words, tourists visiting Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates should avoid tight-fitted and above-knee clothes.

    There are no restrictions to trying out local garments like abayas and hijabs. In any case, knees, shoulders, and bellies must be covered.

    Stock up on the Local Currency

    No matter how many times foreign tourists are warned about this, many tend to pay no heed until it’s too late. In case you’re planning to exchange currency at the airport, pause and think twice.

    The exchange rates at the airport are generally exorbitant. If you do not wish to burn a hole in your pockets, stock up on relevant currency beforehand. Do not carry too much cash either as the risk of theft increases.

    Use international debit cards and withdraw money as and when needed from ATMs. You may also be able to find better deals and rates besides airports, so keep an eye out for that.

    Finally, the good news is that tourism is only expected to grow by leaps and bounds. Though the market was already valued at a whopping $11.39 trillion in 2023, it is growing at a rate of 5% between 2024 and 2032.

    It is expected that 4.7 billion people will choose air travel in 2024. Are you going to be one among them? Keep in mind the aforementioned overseas travel warnings and enjoy a memorable trip!

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    4 Warnings Worth Not…

    by Tanya Shaw Time to read this article: 12 min