Mirembe is a social initiative to create a source of income for poverty-stricken Ugandan women, by selling their handmade arts in the global market.
Mirembe’s team was exposed to the women’s harsh reality – single mothers, war refugees, widows, unemployed, uneducated and lacking opportunities. As the team got to know the women better, they realized their talents could serve as a solution to their poverty-stricken situation – handmade crafts the women make. These very necklaces, bracelets, and bags that they create using their skills and extraordinary investment – they are the women’s solution and through this, they can receive an income.
We aim to bring these beautiful and individual arts to the global market through this Editorial. These are authentic handmade crafts, from natural local resources, with unique designs that are made with a lot of effort and time.
Photographer/Retoucher: Yael Bar Cohen | IG: @yael.bc
Makeup Artist: Noy Huri | IG: @noyhurimakeup
Wardrobe Stylist: Dalia Tal | WB: @dalia._.tal
Accessory Designer: Mirembe | IG: @mirembecollection
Hair Stylist: Or Yair | IG: @or_yair
Yemi Indeshau | IG: @yemi_indeshau
Sapir Magen | IG: @sapirmagen
Martina Kudelova | IG: @martinakudelova