Road trips and outdoor recreation have been a summer staple, this year more than ever. But would Americans commit to this lifestyle for the long-haul?

The data analysts at surveyed Americans to find out how they feel about van life, and what would motivate them to hit the road full-time.

Living in a van down by the river isn’t as bad as it may sound. If you’ve always wanted a minimalistic, off-the-grid life that’s full of adventure and travel, van life might actually be perfect for you.

For their new study, surveyed over 600 Americans across the country about whether or not they would consider living in a van full-time. They also asked how the ongoing pandemic and related economic upheaval influenced their decisions.

Among other data, the study reveals that 74% of Americans would choose van life if it meant they could retire comfortably. It also showed that 52% of Americans are more likely to consider van life as a result of COVID-19.

Hundreds of Americans were asked whether or not they would consider living in a van full-time, and how the ongoing pandemic and related economic upheaval influenced their decisions.

Their answers revealed that:

  • 74% would choose van life if it meant they could retire comfortably;
  • 72% would trade the comfort of their home for a van to pay off debt;
  • 24% of respondents would live in a van for 2+ years;
  • Americans aged 35-44 were most likely to consider van life as a result of the pandemic (31%), followed closely by those aged 25-34 (29%).

To take the study further, compared the median price of living in a home and the price of living in a van. They took into consideration the pricing per sq ft, as well as the extra costs that come with each.

You can find the full study here.

Bottom Line

Joining van life and living permanently in a home on wheels is a dream for many, especially those that can work remotely and still pursue their career goals. However, if you are unsure whether this lifestyle is the right one for you, make sure to keep investments low. For example, start by checking out Used Vans for Sale to convert yourself or hire a van to experience this way of living without committing. You are likely to fall in love with the freedom that comes with this lifestyle in no time!
