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    Why Ignoring Employee Experience In Your 2023 Business Budget Would Be a Big Mistake

    Why Ignoring Employee Experience In Your 2023 Business Budget Would Be a Big Mistake

    It’s getting to that time of year again: budget allocation for 2023.

    All around the world companies are assessing what they value the most and prioritizing their needs for the year ahead.

    As the past few years have shown the future is uncertain and people are looking for a safe ROI when it comes to budgeting. It may be tempting to be conservative and think that employee experience should take a back seat in the current global economic climate. That would be a BIG mistake.

    A surefire way to ensure ROI is made is to include a budget for bots in 2023.

    Bots have been comprehensively proven to show marked and lasting improvements in employee engagement, onboarding & retention, company culture, and mental health.

    The budget put towards employee experience isn’t a cost, it’s an investment that is proven to generate profit:

    These are just some of the results The Bot Platform can boast; they work with companies including Coca-Cola and Samsung and are official partners of Workplace from Meta and Microsoft Team:

    • Honest Burgers achieved 15.6x ROI in their first year using bots
    • Meta created a bot to help them recoup unused telephone lines and devices – within a few weeks of going live they had recouped $37,200 and saved 1100 support tickets
    • “What took us 1 year with another vendor took us just 2 months with TBP” Globe Telecom
    • Using bots for staff surveys at Meta increased response rates by 75%
    • 400K messages are automatically handled every month (Globe Telecom)

    So, as we enter budget season it’s important to allocate time and resources to focus on your digital employee experience in 2023, in order to retain the staff you have and ensure greater productivity and satisfaction, and ultimately business success.

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    Why Ignoring Employe…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 4 min