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    LA Artist tmrwnite Finds His Calling In Music, Drops New EP: Maybe Another Time

    LA Artist tmrwnite Finds His Calling In Music, Drops New EP: Maybe Another Time

    When it comes to creative artistry and alchemy, Los Angeles-based artist and designer tmrwnite comes to mind.

    He continues to push the boundaries of his musical talents with the release of his latest EP: Maybe Another Time.

    One listen to any song will launch you into a wave of nostalgia for past relationships and connections. As he references past heartfelt and personal anecdotes to create upbeat and melodic tracks, he blends it all into a unique pop-style sound that is both memorable and reminiscent of times that once were, yet gone forever.

    When it comes to being an artist, he has no set boundaries creating with the ethos of

     “being creative and authentically free.” He states, “some people might not like these vibes, but that’s okay because I’m not making it for them, I’m making it for me. At the end of the day, these are my experiences and if you’ve gone through something similar, you will relate.”

    We talk with tmrwnite about his upbringing, his artistic inspirations, his new EP, and what to expect from him this year.

    Tell us a little bit about you. Where is home?

    I am a creative artist born and raised in Southern California, Orange County to be exact. I moved to Maryland while I was in high school for a few years before I made my way back to Los Angeles in early 2017. I currently reside in Long Beach, CA.

    Where is your artistic home?

    To me, there is truly nothing else that matches the atmosphere of Southern California. The energy and inspiration here creatively inspire me in many forms and aspects. I thrive on pink-sky sunsets, beautiful weather, and nostalgia. I’m very grateful to have traveled all around the world and sought inspiration and experiences in new countries, cities, and cultures, but home is where the heart is and for me. That is here in SoCal.

    What was the defining moment you realized you wanted to do music? 

    I have always been a creative spirit my entire life. I started to make music when I was around 17. That became on and off for several years while I was pursuing other artistic outlets and finding myself creatively. I didn’t start actively pursuing music until mid-2021; it has a background story.

    I was filming for my good friend and established music producer Kyle Beats’ YouTube channel. It’s amazing how the universe works because most people don’t know the story of how Kyle and I met back in 2016 before he was even known as Kyle Beats and I, tmrwnite. In 2016, I was hired to go on this nationwide Mike Stud tour with my artist friend Cam Meekins who was the opening act on the tour.

    I was in charge of all video production and Kyle was his DJ. Even though I wasn’t on the tour for the music aspect of it, I can remember the feeling of wishing and aspiring that one day I would get to be in that position with my music.

    Fast forward to 2020, Kyle moved to CA from Boston and I started to drive down to Temecula three days a week to film for Kyle’s channel. All those times of going down to film eventually led to me going to make music and I organically became a regular part of his channel, making music together where I was given the opportunity to showcase my music to the world and all of his viewers.

    The more we would make music, I realized in those moments this was what I truly wanted to pursue. In 2021, we made a video called “My cameraman raps to my beat” and it immediately hit over 200k views in the first week on YouTube.

    Kyle’s good friend and worldwide superstar “Russ” reached out to Kyle about me in disbelief that I was his “cameraman” and told him I needed to stay in the studio and for me to keep dropping music. The moment that happened, I knew that was a sign from the universe to keep this music going. in May 2021, I released my first official Song “Lost It” produced by Kyle Beats.

    How much has your sound or style changed since you started doing music?

    My sound is constantly evolving. I like to create from many different spaces emotionally. As a by-product of growing and healing as a human being, so does my music. I love expanding sonically and love to have a limitless approach to what style I need to stick with. I let my moods and emotions dictate what type of song I’m going to create.

    The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what or who inspires you the most right now?

    There is a plethora of things that continuously inspire me. I’m a very spiritual person, I love connecting within myself, through meditation, breath work, and spending a lot of time in nature. I naturally am a loner. I spend the majority of my time alone so I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on many things in my life and who I am as a person and who I am as an artist. Whether it’s relationships, new life experiences, places, heartbreak, love, or the nostalgia of the past, I feel as if I am constantly able to dip into this creative space to pull inspiration from.

    What are some lessons you’ve learned as an emerging artist today? How do you stay relevant? 

    One thing I’ve learned this past year is to stay relevant as an up-and-coming artist, you must stay in the public view constantly and I don’t mean in a negative light. You must put out music and content consistently.

    If you think about it, people are on social media to be “entertained”. You can’t try and sell them your music these days. Times are changing and artists need to adapt to viewing music as a business. This was hard for me to wrap my head around because I am an artist at the core of my soul.

    I just want to make music and not worry about the business aspect of it. But to make a living and secure yourself in social and streaming platforms, you have to view your music/brand as a business.

    For 2024, I am dropping a song a week and have a content release schedule planned out that includes a new piece of short-form content being released on all social platforms every other day.

    “Good music + consistency + word of mouth is the formula to blowing up – Russ

    Are there any artists currently that inspire you? How does their work influence your music? 

    Rather than myself, I currently have only 3-4 artists on repeat — The 1975, Larry June, Leon Bridges, and this artist Mike. As weird as this may sound I actively don’t listen to many artists, even though I appreciate all genres sonically.

    Can you share a story behind creating your EP Moments? (i.e. Where were you? Inspirations? What did you experience?)

    Maybe Another Time, the entire EP was recorded in mid-2022. It was a time when I was just getting over a ‘situationship’ or relationship that I wanted to work out, but never got the chance to thrive. So when things ended, I had a lot of self-reflecting to do. Maybe Another Time is my documentation sonically for that period of my life. I hope anyone who listens can reflect and enjoy the songs for what they are. They’re nostalgically melodic and it tells a story.

    If you could imagine Maybe Another Time being performed live, what would it look like and feel like? 

    I’m very big on manifesting through feelings, and to do so, I use a technique called visualization. I will meditate and visualize this feeling of me performing every day. It already feels natural to me. It’s already mine. So really I’m just waiting for 3D time to catch up to reality. One of my biggest goals is to sell out the Observatory in Orange County.

    What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

    I’m a loner.

    What does expression in art or music mean to you?

    To be myself, to be creatively free, I think there is so much power in channeling thoughts and feelings into music. It’s a beautiful gift, and I’m forever grateful.

    What motto, quote, or words to live by do you use to stay motivated when you aren’t feeling inspired?

    “Happy 2 be here.”

    As cliche as it is, tomorrow is not promised. I’m constantly learning to live in a state of gratitude and happiness and not chase it.

    Thank you to The Fox Magazine for allowing me to be a part of something that will be sealed in time.

    Connect With Tmrwnite!

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    LA Artist tmrwnite F…

    by Lisa Khiev Time to read this article: 20 min