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    You Can Make $53/hr As A Freelance Motion Graphics Designer

    You Can Make $53/hr As A Freelance Motion Graphics Designer

    Preply analyzed state and national wage data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine the best-paying side hustles in the U.S.

    Working a side hustle for 10 hours a week can earn you $13,744 annually, on average.

    Key takeaways

    • The best-paid side hustles are motion graphics designer, web developer, writer, blogger, or vlogger.
    • The worst-paid side hustles are housekeepers, pet sitters or walkers, and babysitters.
    • Pet sitters or walkers, babysitters, or food or grocery deliverers have the best earning stability.
    • Web developer side hustles lead as the top-paying in 27 states.

    Sylvia Johnson, Head of Methodology at Preply said “Mastering language skills on platforms like Preply unlocks global opportunities, including lucrative side hustles in web development or social media management. Understanding nuances of languages empowers effective code documentation or resonating social content, fostering better client relationships and enabling success in international markets.”

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    You Can Make $53/hr …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min