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    Sarrah Rose Releases Elixr: An AI Coaching App

    Sarrah Rose Releases Elixr: An AI Coaching App

    Sarrah Rose is the CEO and Founder of Elixr, an AI-powered coaching app prioritizing mental health to improve self-love, dating and relationships for Gen Z.

    Gen Z singles are dealing with ongoing social effects from the COVID-19 pandemic – 47% are more likely than millennial daters to say the pandemic made them nervous talking to people. 1 in 3 Gen Z individuals have experienced a mental health problem such as depression or anxiety disorder, causing self-love, dating, and relationships to be much harder than they already are.

    According to Brainy Insights, the online dating services market will reach USD 10.8 billion by 2032. Globally, the proportion of single people has been rising.

    Sarrah’s new app, Elixr, is a major breakthrough in the dating app industry and the solution to dating fatigue:

    “Can you imagine if our culture had the mindset that we should all only eat at two restaurants? That seems absurd. The same is true about dating apps. Instead of focusing on whether the dating app market is saturated, let’s focus on the quality of experience apps provide. Elixr coaches support people while they date. Dating and early relationships bring up our deepest insecurities and wounds. Elixr coaches help our members navigate this process for a positive dating experience, focusing on healthy individuals forming healthy relationships.” – Sarrah Rose.


    • 80% of Gen Z daters say self-care is their top priority when dating
    • 75% find a potential mate more attractive if that person is more open to working on their mental well-being
    • 80% want prospective partners to also make self-care their priority

    As a leading relationship expert and intimacy coach in the United States, with over a decade of experience in the coaching industry, Sarrah has extensive insights into the current trends affecting dating culture in 2024 and the ongoing challenges Gen Z faces in forming and sustaining lasting relationships.

    Over the last 10+ years, Sarrah Rose has received formal training in Tantra and coached over 2,500 individuals, including many CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies. She founded two successful coaching companies while raising two Gen Z children as a single mother. She has been featured in Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Men’s Health as the premier Intimacy Coach in the United States. Elixr is the AI-powered coaching app prioritizing mental health to improve self-love, dating, and relationships for Gen Z (18-29 year olds).

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