Sleep disorders or chronic insomnia are very common problems that most people are likely to experience.

A goodnight’s sleep is as important to your physical and mental health as eating well and exercising. Bad sleeping habits can be a major trigger of sleep problems. Exposure to electronic devices that emit blue light affects melatonin production, which is a major source of sleep problems and disorders.

Stress and sleep are two sides of a coin; if stress affects your sleep, there’s a huge probability that this cycle continues. You don’t sleep because you are stressed, and then you’re overly stressed about not getting enough sleep. There’s an endless list of factors that contribute to insomnia like certain medications and medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, asthma, and overactive thyroid.

Here are 6 surprising things that can fix your sleep issues.

Exposure To Daylight

Exposure to bright light during the daytime has a direct impact on having a good night’s sleep. Light regulates your circadian rhythm and notifies your body when to be alert and when to rest. Natural daylight boosts your energy levels as well as improves the quality of your sleep. Light affects the production of melatonin, an essential hormone for sleep improvement. The duration and the amount of daylight you are exposed to directly affect your sleep schedule. Your body naturally synchronizes to the time of sunrise and sunset.

The Effect of Blue Light at Night

While exposure to daylight during the day is beneficial, exposure to sources of artificial light at night has an opposite effect. Being subject to blue light emitted from electronic devices like television, mobile phones, and computers reduces the production of melatonin, causing sleep problems and insomnia. The optometrists at Block Blue Light Australia advise you to wear block blue light glasses, which eliminate harmful light frequencies promoting better sleep results and elevating productivity and performance levels. Blue light can severely affect your sleep cycle if you are not cautious with it.

Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine is consumed by almost everyone around the globe. The amount of caffeine intake throughout the day affects your body’s ability to rest at night. Caffeine is known for stimulating your nervous system, keeping you alert for long hours. However, low doses of caffeine enhance your ability to focus, boost your energy, and promote healthy performance levels throughout the day. To sleep well, it is preferable to cut down caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime.

Consistent Sleep-Wake Cycle

Your body’s circadian rhythm functions through keeping a steady sleep-wake cycle, allowing it to synchronize with sunrise and sunset times. Consistent sleep habits play a major role in avoiding sleep disorders and chronic insomnia. Try to maintain a fixed sleep schedule even during the weekends and holidays. By having consistent sleep habits you should wake up without an alarm. If you still need your alarm, you should consider sleeping at an earlier hour.

Avoid Eating Late at Night

A great cause of sleep problems is eating late at night, it has a negative physical effect. Some people experience heartburn and a bloated stomach after eating late-night snacks, which might keep them awake for longer hours. Cutting off carbs and sugar promotes better sleep patterns and does not affect melatonin production. Having a light snack a couple of hours before sleep is recommended for enhanced well-being.

Clear Your Mind and Relax

Create your stress-free routine or relaxation techniques that can help you clear your mind and fall asleep. Relaxation techniques improve your sleep quality and prevent your mind from having negative thoughts, which is a major cause of sleep disorders and insomnia. Different stress release techniques include reading, meditation, listening to soft music, deep breathing, or taking hot baths. Select the best technique that works best for your sleep problems and make it a daily routine for a better night’s sleep.

Your sleeping habits affect everything related to your health. Sleep disorders and insomnia can seriously influence your daytime productivity, energy, emotional balance, and your ability to focus on tasks. Your daily routine has a direct impact on your sleep quality. Healthy daytime practices, like exercising, healthy food, control of caffeine and alcohol consumption, and exposure to daylight improve your sleep habits. Following a relaxation technique or a stress-free routine before bedtime boosts your mental health. Stress is a major factor in causing insomnia and other physical and mental disorders.

The unbreakable cycle of having sleep problems because you are stressed and then stressing over not getting enough sleep is unbearable and intolerable. There are many ways to avoid sleep disorders and maintain healthy living habits, all you need is self-awareness and will.
