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    Protecting Your Valuables: Why Use PrivateSafe To Protect Your Jewellery

    Protecting Your Valuables: Why Use PrivateSafe To Protect Your Jewellery

    Jewelry theft remains a considerable concern, with home burglaries occurring frequently.

    Burglaries account for over 15% of all property crimes, and larceny-theft makes up nearly 71% of such crimes, as recorded in 2021 by SafeWise. The financial burden of a burglary is notable, with the average event costing over £2800 in lost goods and property damage. Given these statistics, securing valuable items, particularly jewelry is essential for homeowners.

    One common method for safeguarding valuables at home is the use of safes. Home safes are designed to protect items from theft, fire, and water damage. These safes need to be properly installed and hidden to be effective. According to research by CSP Alarms, fixing safes to a wall or floor is important to prevent burglars from carrying them away. Despite these benefits, only 9% of people own a safe unit. Practical measures, such as installing a safe correctly, contribute to the protection of valuables.

    Advantages of PrivateSafe’s Secure Storage Services offers private vault and safe deposit box services, providing a higher level of security than home safes. These services ensure that jewelry and other valuables are stored in a secure and monitored environment. This is particularly important given that 44% of British homes lack any security measures.

    Private vaults and safe deposit boxes are designed to withstand theft, fire, and water damage. A survey by All About Safes shows that only 26% of homes use alarm systems, with even fewer employing advanced security features like biometric access or smart home systems. PrivateSafe facilities incorporate these advanced security measures, ensuring protection through state-of-the-art technology. In real-life scenarios, secure storage services have proven effective. For example, during a burglary in a high-end neighborhood, a homeowner’s robustly constructed and securely installed safe was targeted but not breached, leading the burglars to flee.

    Insurance plays a critical role in protecting valuables such as jewelry. Specialized insurance often requires that items be stored in a secure location, such as a private vault or safe deposit box. Utilizing PrivateSafe can help homeowners meet these insurance requirements and potentially lower insurance rates due to the reduced risk of theft or damage. The use of private safe deposit boxes, as seen with, provides the convenience of accessing valuables when needed without concern for their safety.

    Expert Opinions on Secure Storage Solutions

    Security experts advocate for secure storage services for high-value items like jewelry. For instance, Safe and Vault Store advises against using wall safes for such items due to their vulnerability to being removed. Instead, the recommendation is to use heavy, bolted-down safes or secure storage services such as those offered by PrivateSafe. Research into home security systems reveals that many individuals underestimate the intelligence and determination of burglars. A comprehensive security approach, including private vaults, substantially reduces theft risk. For example, nearly half of all burglaries occur due to information leaks about the presence of safes. Keeping the existence and location of valuables confidential is paramount.

    Furthermore, SafeWise’s data indicates that security measures like alarms, security lights, and CCTV can deter burglars, although only 17% of people utilize video monitoring technology and 11% use smart home systems. Facilities from PrivateSafe are equipped with continual monitoring and protection, addressing the gaps in home security systems comprehensively.

    In addition to theft, environmental threats like fire and water damage pose risks to valuable items. Fireproof and waterproof safes are vital for protecting documents and valuables. Safe and Vault Store recommends safes with at least a 1-hour fire rating. PrivateSafe vaults meet these stringent standards, ensuring jewelry remains safe in disaster scenarios. The psychological impact of losing valuable items is harsh. The peace of mind from knowing valuables are securely stored cannot be overstated. Surveys, such as the one conducted by SafeTrolley, find that using secure storage services substantially reduces stress and anxiety concerning the safety of personal items. This peace of mind is a primary benefit of utilizing services like

    PrivateSafe’s facilities offer multiple layers of state-of-the-art security and comprehensive insurance coverage, greatly reducing the risks associated with theft, fire, and other home-based hazards. Safe deposit boxes provide an environment shielded from both burglars and environmental threats. This comprehensive level of protection ensures that valuables like jewelry are not only safe but also accessible when required, offering an optimal solution for individuals seeking to safeguard their possessions.

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    Protecting Your Valu…

    by Jennifer Smith Time to read this article: 10 min