Given these statistics, securing valuable items, particularly jewelry is essential for homeowners.
The Transportation Energy Institute’s (TEI) Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) released a new report titled 'Electric Vehicle Market Insights'.
The survey asked about a variety of topics, such as when people believe they should have to tip, whether they feel pressured to do so, and how they think gratuities
Multiple-choice questions tend to yield higher rates of response than open-ended ones. The length of your survey also impacts response rates. It can be easy for respondents to lose interest
After surveying over 1,000 Americans we found almost everyone is a little confused by at least one emoji.
While fans and attendees are anticipating the mint juleps, finest fashion statements, and iconic hats – they’re also gearing up to place their bets!
With an increase in singledom in the US and wellness being a top priority for Americans, experts at All Things Hair (a publication by Unilever) explored these trends to reveal that Americans
New research reveals that Washington D.C. is officially the top US state to find love in.
More than 1 in 5 Americans think the new iPhone is worth going into debt, according to the personal-finance website WalletHub’s 2022 iPhone Survey.
It is possible to make money on the best focus groups, but it is worth remembering that decent earnings in this area are possible only if you fit many criteria
Exodus Travels survey highlights the value of connecting with others while on vacation and the long-lasting relationships that can form as a result of our travels.
With the U.S. projected to spend nearly $600 billion on R&D in 2022, the personal-finance website WalletHub released its report on 2022’s Most & Least Innovative States, as well as accompanying
From manspreading and body odor to clapping when the plane lands and noisy kids, the survey dug into what irks passengers the most.
With 2021’s box office revenue nearly 60% below pre-pandemic levels, WalletHub released its 2022 Oscars Facts report, which includes an infographic filled with fun facts about the event as well
Despite efforts by the entertainment industry to improve diversity and representation in front of and behind the camera, screen media continues to fall short on its portrayal of diverse races
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