It’s always a good idea to get into the kitchen and cook up a storm. But it’s also true that the activity lends itself better to some parts of the year than others.

We’re more likely to be outdoors and thus less likely to be in the kitchen, during the warm summer months, for instance. But the winter months? That’s a different story. With the outside world so unappealing, the kitchen becomes a warm and inviting place to spend a couple of hours preparing a meal.

You’ll be warm making the food (it’s always hot in the kitchen) and warm once you eat it. Looking for inspiration? Check out some of our ideas below.

Big Stews

There’s a lot to love about a good old-fashioned stew. They’ve been around for a long time, and it’s not hard to see why — they’re very often healthy, nutritious, filling, warming, and cheap to make. There aren’t too many dishes that you can say that about. And one of the good things about stews is that they’re extremely versatile — once you’ve got your base, you can throw more or less whatever vegetables and proteins you want in there, and be sure that you’ll have created something delicious.

Warming Soups

Of course, stews do take some time if you want them to be good. If you’re looking for something a little faster, then consider making a soup. These are just as tasty and warming as a stew but take much less time. Plus, there’s even more variation. You can make soups out of just about everything! If you’re looking for something truly delicious, try this tomato bisque recipe. Make a big batch, and you’ll be feeding your family for days. There are plenty of other delicious options out there, too.

Baked Goods

Not that everything you make during the winter has to be for dinner. When the weather is not very welcoming, it can be deeply enjoyable to spend all day in the kitchen, baking something delicious. You could become a master at baking bread, for example, which is an increasingly satisfying pastime. Another option is to look at baking something sweet, such as a batch of cookies or a cake. You can take our word for it that this will go down well with your family, especially the younger members!

Chilis and Curries

Winter is just made for spicy chilis and curries. If it’s freezing cold outside, there’s just nothing better than knowing you have spicy chili or curry leftovers waiting for you at home. The thought alone is enough to warm you up! One of the best things about these two dishes, which hail from Mexico and India respectively, is that there’s just so much you can do with them. Once you’ve got the base, you can be creative and throw more or less whatever you want.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let the cold get to you this winter! Try one of the plates above, and stay warm while also enjoying a delicious meal.
