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    9 Apps No Student Can Survive Without

    9 Apps No Student Can Survive Without

    Today, you can’t imagine the learning process without any technologies.

    With the technical progress, students and their professors have many new opportunities that they use every day. You don’t have to go to the library to find a specific book and make a copy on an old printer anymore. Basically, you can do anything from your phone or laptop.

    Of course, not all professors embrace progress and include technologies in their classes. There are plenty of professors who still don’t allow phones in their teaching spaces. Some might even ask for hand-written paper assignments. Still, there is no such problem anymore that can’t be solved with a relevant app or a useful website!

    Most students spend most of their day in front of a screen anyway. Luckily for them, there are hundreds of apps that can track their schedule, remind them to feed their cats, create a budget for their finances, and help them learn a foreign language. You can order coursework writing help by professional writers at EssayPro and delegate all your paper work at once! This will be a game-changer.

    So, are you interested in boosting your productivity and improving your grades? Here are 9 apps no student can survive without!

    What kinds of apps are there for students?

    Sure, everybody has a phone right now. You can’t own a smartphone and not download a couple of applications on it, like mail and calendar. But not all of the existing apps are useful! There are a lot of time-stealing games, useless photo filters, and many other things that barely add to your productivity. So here are the most practical categories of applications that can help you learn:

    • Lecture Capture: Missed something on a blackboard and it’s gone forever? Don’t worry, because, with capture technology, you won’t miss a thing. You can record audio and video of your lectures, decipher these files, and upload them on your computer.
    • Studying: This is a tool that can help you remember new information. For example, there are some pretty good flashcard helpers that turn your studying session into an interactive game.
    • Time Management: Lots of students have trouble organizing their schedules. There are some calendars that can be connected to your mail and other tools, so you won’t even have to input new info. Your homework deadlines and after-school classes will automatically update by themselves.
    • Safety: Campuses all over the country create their own apps and websites with all the safety information you might need, including safe routes, emergency calls, and close friend chat.
    • Meditation and Mindfulness: These are the tools that can help you clear your head. Some of them are focused on an immediate result to relieve anxiety. Others can track your sleeping cycles and wake you up at the most productive time.

    9 Best Apps For Students

    Now let’s move on to the most important part of this article. There are many extensions and applications that provide assistance to learners. Not all of them are free, though. The younger generation doesn’t always have a huge amount of spare money to throw away on different gadgets. So, you’ll find some brilliant helpers that are also free of charge!

    1. Evernote

    • price: free, with a personalized paid plan.
    • category: note-taking, studying.

    This program is very simple, and yet, it’s genius in its simplicity. Basically, you can write down anything you like here, organize your notes by different parameters, and track deadlines for your assignments. This is a great little helper for law students or any other profession, really, that requires a lot of brainstorming and details. You can also synchronize it with Google Drive!

    2. Google Calendar

    • price: free with a paid business option.
    • category: time management.

    Almost every learner has a Gmail account for various purposes. So why not use it for organizing your time? This is the perfect tool for managing your time, your curriculum, and some extra leisure activities. What is great about Google Calendar is that you can download it on your phone and sync with any other Google product.

    3. RefMe

    • price: free with a yearly subscription for premium features.
    • category: referencing, studying.

    Learners will write hundreds of essays before their graduation. For this reason, you can’t really overstate the importance of RefMe! Basically, this is a citation tool that can create a reference to any book, article, or internet publication that you can find. It’s pretty hard to remember every little detail about APA, MLA, and Chicago referencing styles, so why not delegate this part?

    4. Todoist

    • price: free with a paid pro version.
    • category: organizing, studying.

    Lots of students have trouble with motivation. If you are one of those people who enjoy ticking off boxes for every completed task, this tool is right up your alley! This is a little fun interactive application that allows you to plan your day, manage your ongoing projects, and organize any group projects that you might have during your years in college.

    5. Alarmy

    • price: free, with a premium version
    • category: mindfulness and meditation

    If you have trouble with waking up in the morning, this product is for you! Lots of students like to hit the snooze button and go right back to sleep. Alarmy will ask you to complete some simple tasks before turning off your alarm. For example, you will need to shake your phone several times, or take a photo. Alarmy will also share an accurate weather forecast with you.

    6. StudyBlue

    • price: free version with ads, $9 per month without ads
    • category: flashcards, studying

    This is a great tool for those learners who like a little interactivity in their homework. Basically, you can create your own virtual classroom, share all the materials with your classmates, and offer to test their knowledge with customizable flashcards and quizzes. It’s pretty user-friendly, so you won’t have any issues with uploading your learning materials here.

    7. Motion

    • price: free
    • category: mindfulness, focus on studying

    This is not a phone application but an extension for your browser. Some learners have difficulties focusing on their homework when there is simply too much to do on the internet! With Motion, all your distracting sites will be blocked for a certain period of time. You won’t spend any more time reading Facebook statuses instead of learning!

    8. Sleep Cycle

    • price: $9.99 per month or $39.99 per year, with 7-day free trial
    • category: meditation and mindfulness

    With this tool, you won’t miss a morning class anymore! Also, you will be feeling much more rested and in the mood for learning. This app tracks your sleeping patterns based on heart rate, any movements, and the time that you went to sleep. You can’t really predict your patterns by yourself by setting an alarm for a certain time in the morning. This will be a game-changer!

    9. Circle of Six

    • price: free
    • category: safety

    This is an amazing tool for those people who worry about their safety. Of course, every student wants to think that their campus has adequate security. But there are some cases when you have to act quickly. With Circle of Six, you can add up to 6 people to your chat, who will receive emergency notifications from you. You can also call the police and share your location here.


    So there you have it, 9 apps no student can survive without! You can use your phone for many things apart from entertainment. Many teachers allow additional gadgets in their classrooms, so make the best out of this situation!


    • George
      November 1, 2022

      I totally agree with you that all these applications help students a lot, but I would also like to recommend a very good article with various companies that will help you write your essay . Since writing an essay is a rather long and boring business and it is best to leave this job to professionals, this will save you a lot of time and your work will be perfect

    • Emma
      March 6, 2023

      Writing an artistic essay often causes difficulties for students and schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that this type of educational work involves a creative approach and a fairly frank presentation of one’s own thoughts. At one time, they helped me a lot with this here

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    9 Apps No Student Ca…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 17 min