Digital marketing has come a long way since its conception.

From simple pop-up ads to full-blown informative blogs, affiliate link marketing is now taking the cake.

Affiliate link marketing can be traced back to its original roots, long before the internet, where word of mouth was considered a very solid form of marketing. Similar to how a mechanic would refer you to a parts shop or how a barber would recommend you certain hair products. The internet and affiliate links have put marketing on a hyper-track that has allowed it to spread like wildfire, especially as major conglomerates are utilizing back-linking techniques to funnel traffic to specific web pages.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into how affiliate marketing works and the most popular techniques used to increase its efficiency.

The Simplified Version of Affiliate Marketing

If you’re still trying to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing, you should become familiar with the core mechanics behind promoting products through a web page or blog. First, cast your eyes on the product you’re looking to promote. You have to make sure that the product is available to purchase on Amazon; that’s the primary method of making a profit with affiliate marketing for beginners. Each product has a unique link that can be placed on your website, and this link allows the merchant on Amazon to monitor a counter that tells them the number of visitors who clicked on the link. Once someone buys the promoted product, you will receive a commission for any sale that is completed using your affiliate link within a certain time frame; for each and every purchase.

Utilizing Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are similar to SEO links as their purpose is to drive traffic. However, the main difference between them is that affiliate links directly drive profit whereas SEO links focus on improving the ranking of a website on search engines as explained HERE. Affiliate links thrive on precision and monitoring because the transactions require transparency and accuracy to successfully share the revenue between more than one party. A unique affiliate link is composed of a tracking URL to the product that’s directly synced with your own ID.

Anchors in Affiliate Links

Just because you have the affiliate link written down doesn’t mean that you should paste it all around the blog or website. The marketing gurus at Affiliate Profit Power explain that the placement of the affiliate link in your content should be done in accordance with popular and professional practices. Instead of inserting a very long and incoherent URL in the middle of a phrase, you should use anchors.

Anchors are among the best tools you can use to steer attention to the product you’re promoting, such as setting context instead of a contextually irrelevant link in the content. Anchors should always be descriptive because you want the traffic that goes through the link to be aware of the product they’ll be seeing.

How To Start a Blog With Affiliate Links?

First, you will need to create a blog or a website. This step might be a bit harder than it sounds because you have to decide the blog niche, the main theme, and the type of topics you are interested in writing about. If you already have a blog, then you can skip that step and use your old blog. Next, you will need to specify the products that you are keen on reviewing.

It’s important to pick products within your niche. After that comes an extremely important step where you have to sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and search for affiliate programs that are concerned with the different products you want to review.

Furthermore, it’s important to put some time and effort into the content you are creating for the blog. While you should sound non-promotional, it’s essential that you make what you are trying to promote clear enough for your audience. Your content doesn’t have to be exclusive to review posts; you can include tutorials, resource pages, emails, or even text messages. Include your affiliate links within the content you are going to post on your website. Last but not least, you will need some background knowledge regarding SEO and how to optimize your page. This way you will ensure that you stay on top of Google search pages which consequently will guarantee that more people will see your page and visit it.

Fortunately, affiliate links don’t require a lot of technical experience to properly place in your blog or website. Keep in mind that creating high-quality content that interests users in the product you’re promoting will be the motor behind driving relevant and convertible traffic to the merchant you’re partnering up with.
