If you’re anything like us, chances are you’ve found yourself with tons of keys and even more website passwords.

It’s a hassle to carry around a physical and mental bouquet of keys, and now you don’t have to. Military-grade security takes the nuisance out of toting around clunky keys, through the new one-size-fits-all Everykey. This smart key uses Bluetooth technology, which means that any of your access-controlled devices can be integrated to work with it.

Everykey generates secure passwords for all of your website accounts and automatically logs you in or out depending on when you visit the site. So not only can your physical devices like your car, phone, tablet, etc be synced to use, but so can your Internet accounts. And losing your Everykey doesn’t pose additional threats than your normal keys, as it can be remotely frozen. All you have to do is call the provider or freeze it over your app.

Also, this smart key can be made even more compatible with your needs by managing the settings through your easy-to-use app. There you can adjust the physical range needed to unlock your doors and freeze or unfreeze your account. Those exciting features combined with its ability to automatically lock and unlocked doors, generate secure passwords, and log in to your favorite sites make this technology a complete stress saver.

Your normal keys will still work, and your Everykey remains up to date with frequent state-of-the-art, over-the-air software. This allows you to indulge in the highest level of security while also downsizing your own personal things-to-remember list.
