Launching a distance learning platform is similar to any project cycle: planning, organizing the process, motivating, analyzing, adjusting.

More often than not, we hear advice on how to choose the right LMS. And what to do with LMS after it is yours? How to launch it in a company and effectively manage it after the launch?

The budget for an LMS launch project consists of several items:

  •       the purchase of the platform itself (license or full software buyout),
  •       content creation,
  •       support and maintenance of LMS,
  •       possible improvements to the platform,
  •       other costs.

Usually, the budget must be protected before the management and develop an effective plan for the LMS, which is why it is so important to plan the necessary investments in advance. Otherwise, you may be faced with buying a first-class “spaceship” that will gather dust in the garage instead of conquering new spaces. So, the system of distance learning may stand idle, if there is no budget for the content. Let’s estimate how much money should be budgeted for content creation, besides the cost of distance learning system

Creating content on your own

Let’s take a closer look at the option of in-house content development. To begin with, it is important to decide who in your company will deal with the content. Creating content takes time, so you need to make provisions or free up human resources. You also need to budget for the salary of a content developer. If such an employee already exists, you need to take into account that now he will have to be distracted from the main tasks – this will also require additional resources.

Also, the creation of video and audio content requires minimal equipment, which I will tell you about below. Fireart experts advise you to calculate all the costs before the start of the LMS, it will bring clarity in understanding the plans of work and development of the system.

LMS management. Role assignment.

What else is important to determine after the goals are set and the plan is outlined? What LMS management roles are needed, and which employees will perform these roles. There are several employees, each dealing with his or her area of expertise. Ideally, you need at least three specialists (not necessarily full-time, an employee may well combine several projects or tasks):

  1. LMS project manager: forms the concept, designs and implements the system development strategy, thinks through the logic (what, where and how is placed), maintains constant communication with employees, etc. This is managerial, managerial, and sometimes methodological work.
  2. LMS Administrator: uploads content, configures the system, analyzes statistics and feedback, prepares regular reports. Works closely with the project manager.
  3. Methodologist, content developer: creates the script, writes briefs and assignments, develops courses. He can have different resources: a designer, an e-course developer, a layout designer, a methodologist.

It also happens that the head of the training department initiated the purchase of an LMS because he needs to meet KPIs. He gets into the work of the platform but does not manage it himself. In this case, the role of managing the LMS often falls on the administrator, but the head has the final word.

Fireart Studio

Fireart Studio – company providing e-learning software development services.

Benefits of Fireart Studio:

  • Mass production with guaranteed quality. Well-established technology of flow development allows you to create sets of 100+ courses per month, where each course will be methodically worked out, competently designed, and tested
  • Unique courses. We develop the design, characters, stories, and practices for the specifics of a particular company and tailor training scenarios for the target audience.
  • Work in all popular CDS. Courses correspond to the international standard SCORM, which is supported by almost all distant learning systems
  • Control of training. We set up the transfer of points and the status of completion of the course for each employee
  • Accessibility and efficiency. We work out each content element: text, graphics, practices, and animations. We make the course clear and accessible to learners.