Anyone who’s been a click away from booking a short-term rental on Airbnb, only to realize that the final price has been jacked up on surcharges, has experienced frustration with how the platform displays prices.

Forbes Advisor analyzed 32,000 listings in the 100 most popular Airbnb markets to establish regional trends for nightly rates, cleaning fees and taxes.

Key Findings

  • Customers face an average of 36% in fees on top of nightly rates.
  • On average, cleaning fees are 11% of the subtotal, services fees are 15% and taxes are 10%.
  • On average, Atlanta (48%), Phoenix (47%), and Fort Myers Beach (46%) have the highest total fees.
  • Florida cities have 5 of the top 10 highest cleaning-fee percentages in the country.

Take a look at the full report HERE.
