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    5 Ways To Live A Minimalist Lifestyle

    5 Ways To Live A Minimalist Lifestyle

    If you’ve ever moved to a new house, you’ve undoubtedly discovered that you have far too much stuff.

    It’s no surprise that one of the most popular design trends in today’s home decor is not simply a style but also an entire lifestyle change known as minimalism, or minimalist living.

    If you, like a growing number of people, are wanting a change-up, read on to find out how to strip things back in your life.

    What is Minimalist Living?

    Minimalism is a style of living that emphasizes simplicity, and it can be applied to many aspects of our lives, including our schedules, relationships, and other things. However, the home is often a crucial element of minimalistic living. When considering how a minimalist house looks, you might imagine stark white rooms with empty walls – but the reality is that every person can practice minimalism differently, according to Joshua Becker’s Becoming Minimalist blog.

    “A minimalist house is very intentional” he goes on to say. “Each item has a purpose”. As a result, minimalism usually entails decluttering, organising, and “minimising” your home in order to lead a more purposeful lifestyle.

    Here’s how to build a minimalist home and start living more simply if you’re ready to take advantage of all the wonderful benefits of this basic and purposeful lifestyle.

    Focus on One Room

    Often, the most difficult aspect of reducing your home is knowing where to begin. What’s certain is that attempting to tackle an entire house at once is daunting – which is why you should focus on one room at a time. Begin with the easiest room and build up from there; use that as inspiration for the rest of your home as you go. And if you’re having trouble determining what would be the best decluttering strategy for your home, we recommend Cubic Storage’s Decluttering Your House Guide, which can assist you in removing things from your home that you no longer need.

    Start with the Visible Areas

    After you’ve decided on a room to concentrate on, start with the visible parts – like shelves, furniture, and objects on the floor – before moving on to the hidden areas of the space, such as organising your drawers, cabinets, and closet. You’ll be able to see how far you’ve come as you go along this way, which can be very beneficial when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that’s left to do.

    Only Keep the Essentials

    When it’s time to get serious about decluttering, a good rule of thumb is to keep only the things that are critical to you – and meaningful.  If you have a hard time letting go of something that isn’t necessary or meaningful to your life, try writing down the reasons why it’s important on a sticky note and sticking it to the item.

    Limit Your Decorations to Meaningful Items

    When it comes to home design, it’s all too tempting to decorate with numerous beautiful adornments, but if you want to stick with a minimalist lifestyle, we advise keeping your decorations limited to ones that have important meaning. The issue is that individuals tend to collect decorations that don’t have any special significance.

    Tidy up Regularly

    It’s one thing to make an effective minimalist transformation of your property – but keeping it that way for good is another story! Your house, after all, is a space that is continually lived in; therefore, mess will inevitably occur. It’s all about cleaning up the places you have and knowing which spaces require daily attention, weekly attention, and seasonal attention.

    Living a minimalist lifestyle can be a great way to declutter your life, focus on what’s important, and live with intention. However, it takes time, effort, and commitment to make this change last. Follow these tips to get started living a more simple and purposeful life today!

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    5 Ways To Live A Min…

    by Hannah Madison Time to read this article: 9 min