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    Ready To Sell Your Classic Car? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

    Ready To Sell Your Classic Car? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

    People buy classic cars for different reasons, however, it is always quite a challenge to sell a collectible vehicle, of course, if you want to get the price you deserve and at the same time feel good about the people you are selling to.

    Here are some helpful tips for selling your classic car without any hassle and headache.

    Make Sure You Know The Value

    There is much more to it than just knowing how much money you have invested in your car from the day of purchase till now. A lot depends on the current trends in the market and demand for this particular model and year. Plus, if a manufacturer gets nostalgic and decides to re-release its good old model, it may negatively affect the value of the original.

    To get the right estimate, consider consulting with a renowned dealership that is in the classic cars business. Just a heads up, it doesn’t really make sense to speak to every dealership you could find on the internet in the search of what you want to hear. If you have a feeling that the price you’ve been offered is too low, do your own research and due diligence by surfing specialized forums and similar web places.

    Expand Your Potential Market

    It’s a no-brainer that the number of potential buyers for classic cars is significantly smaller than those looking for “ordinary” vehicles, therefore you have to embrace as many interested people as possible.

    Well, even though looking into international markets is perhaps the first thing to cross your mind, we do not recommend starting there simply because hefty shipping fees will likely make things too complicated. The best way to place your car right in front of a broad audience of potential buyers is to contact a trusted nationwide classic car seller that usually has direct access to foreign markets as well. By the way, in such a dealership, you will also get an accurate estimate, and chances are, they will even offer you a good deal with immediate payment.

    Avoid Any Aftermarket Parts

    The rule is very simple, the more original your car is, the better price you can get. Make every effort to keep original parts at any costs, find the right people who can repair them, do not buy even the smallest pieces in the aftermarket to replace the original parts. Experts worth their salt claim that it’s even much better to leave a damaged part as-is than to get a “new” substitute.

    Highlight Rarity

    It’s common knowledge, the most sought-after classic cars are those that are really rare. However, even your model is not that hard to find, think of its rare characteristics and highlight them. For instance, it can be a rare combination of colors, unique extra features, or some uncommon specificities of the engine. Also, think of whether this particular model showed up in some famous flick, was driven by a mega-celebrity, or has a special place in the garage of a very famous person today.

    Be Careful With Test Drives

    Naturally, every serious buyer would be interested in a test drive to hear the engine running and feel the car. If you sell your car on your own, be extremely cautious about test drives – you’d be surprised to know how many vehicles are stolen or damaged during those apparently short and harmless “tests”. To start with, never ever allow a would-be buyer to test drive your car alone, even if you are offered an ID or credit card to stay with you as a guarantee. Secondly, choose the route yourself and do it in advance, make sure it is a straight road, which is pretty long and can brag of good surface and the absence of holes.

    Make Necessary Repairs

    If you want to make the most of your investment, make necessary repairs to achieve that stunning look from the luxurious magazines. Give your car a good washing and waxing before taking any pictures or videos. Do not forget about the car engine, it should look classic but leave the impression of power and ability to run for many years to come. If you are not quite sure whether you can get the job done on your own, consider using a professional service – not cheap but quality supplies are also expensive.

    Selling a classic car may be a challenge but it is not mission impossible, especially when all the “homework” is done and you know exactly the value of your vehicle and use these tips to sell it quickly and to the right people.

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    Ready To Sell Your C…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 10 min