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    Are Solar Panels The Key To Solving The Energy Crisis

    Are Solar Panels The Key To Solving The Energy Crisis

    Soaring energy prices are hitting households hard, resulting in a sharp upward pressure, but they’re not the only ones feeling the effects of the crisis.

    Energy-intensive industries are struggling as well and risk becoming unprofitable, even if they’ve implemented efficiency measures in their operations.

    The crisis of conventional energy sources is standing in the way of socio-economic growth, both in developed and underdeveloped countries. Nations must decarbonize and let go of their dependency on fossil fuels, yet this requires significant planning and infrastructure, not to mention collaboration. There’s no excuse to justify continued support for the fossil fuel industry.

    Taking into account that renewable energy is more affordable compared to traditional forms of energy, it might offer a way out of the crisis. Solar energy can meet high standards of sustainability. It’s not the only solution, but solar energy is one of the most effective and easy initiatives in solving this current issue, having the potential to reduce and even eliminate energy bills. The cost of solar energy is just $0,06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), meaning that solar is one of the least expensive sources of new electricity generation. Harnessing the power of the sun is more affordable due to advances in manufacturing.

    Why Solar Power Is the Energy Source of The Future

    At present, we’re completely dependent on fossil fuels. If we keep burning fossil fuels at the current rate, our resources will be depleted by the end of 2060. Given that the current system isn’t viable, it’s paramount to create a better energy system – one that’s capable of ensuring global temperatures don’t rise more than 1.5 °C. It’s impossible to think about the future without taking into consideration pollution. Homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities consume more energy than is needed, which leads to a staggering amount of air pollution. Electricity from renewable energy sources like solar doesn’t contribute to air pollution since no fossil fuels are combusted.

    The sun is the most powerful energy source, yet we’re not able to collect all this energy. The explanation lies in the fact that the sun emits a spectrum of radiation, and not all of it is light. The maximum sunlight available to be captured by a solar panel is roughly 33,7%. Regardless, taking advantage of this renewable energy can make a difference for the planet. Solar energy is beneficial not only for the environment but also for the economy. While some places can get 100% of their electricity from solar, others still need an electric bill to supplement their usage.

    Attaining Cost Reduction Targets for Photovoltaic Manufacturing

    The price of solar panels has fallen drastically over the past couple of years, mainly due to advances in manufacturing. The experts have started to replace the current silicon cells with organic polymers, namely plastic, which are less expensive and have more flexible applications. The availability of plastic in many forms accounts for applications in solar energy installation like covers, honeycomb structures, reflecting surfaces, structural and support members for solar concentrating collectors, piping, etc. Plastic parts are made using solar energy is one of the most effective, which allows for less volume than a solid injection moulded part. The behavior of plastics is still being studied for outdoor exposure.

    A plastic material that can replace metal in solar panel frames is now available, but there’s no way of knowing when it will enter into production for full-scale market penetration. Companies like hsv-tmp offer custom solutions in the area of renewable energy, so manufacturers can rely on their experience, expertise, and equipment. More and more photovoltaic manufacturers are swapping aluminum and glass for plastic because it’s a lightweight solution for installing solar panels on flat roofs. The solar panels can be placed on flat roofs, which is beneficial for the British, considering their love for old cottages, terraced homes, and traditional farmhouses.

    The Total Savings from Solar Panels Depends on Several Factors

    It’s possible to eliminate the monthly electric bill with a solar power system, yet the overall savings depend on a few factors, such as the size of the solar system, the home’s energy consumption, etc. The point is that the payback is unique to your circumstances because of the variability of the costs involved. To have an idea of how much your investment will be, take into consideration the prospective installation costs and other fees for setting up the service. It can be helpful to check estimates in your area. No matter the initial cash investment, your energy bill will be as small as possible for the following 30 years.

    If you plan to purchase solar panels, it’s recommended to invite several installation companies to offer estimates individually to obtain competitive bids. The best way to save money is to do your due diligence and shop around. Rather than accepting financing from the installer, you should find a bank and get a loan, unless a state-wide subsidy program is available. Summer is the best time to install photovoltaics, but you should install your solar panels at a more reasonable time for the region in which you live. For instance, installing the PV system in autumn can reduce wait times.

    Final Comments

    The energy crisis is only going to get worse, and the outcome will depend on more informed collaboration between governments, industry leaders, and policymakers. Energy will become more expensive as time goes by, as we use the resources that make generators turn and turn. We can solve the problem of the energy crisis by improving the infrastructure, relying less on fossil fuels, and switching to renewable energy. The Netherlands is already setting an example, having the most solar panels per capita in Europe, with an installed capacity of 825 watts for every member of the population.

    Solar panels are masterpieces of science and represent an important stepping stone in eliminating fossil fuels. Depending on individual nations’ resources and financing opportunities, solar energy can threaten the existence of natural gas and coal, even if it’s not perfect. Not only does solar energy not pollute, but it also helps us clean up the pollution from the past.


    • Katelin
      November 2, 2022

      Despite all the shortcomings, alternative energy sources are a promising direction for the development of the industry and are gaining popularity not only in domestic conditions, but also on a national scale. To make it more clear, there is a lot of useful information about how do solar panels work here.

    • bazna
      November 13, 2022

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