Saltshine is the name of the travel and lifestyle blog about their adventures and things they’ve learned along the way living on the islands of Hawaii.

Meet Stephen Lloyd and Alexa Pence. Their story starts off in a farmer’s tent on the Maui Dragonfruit Farm in Lahaina, Hawaii but even a month later, so much has happened and is happening to them. The couple is super excited to have a platform to share our adventure with their friends and family. Saltshine is not only a blog but it is also the name of the creative social-first marketing company they have now launched in Paia ( They will be going to be helping some local fashion and food brands with their social media platforms.

We got to interview the eclectic couple about their move and journey away from everyone they know.

Where is home for both of you?
Stephen: I’m from Sellersberg, Indiana.
Alexa: I’m from Louisville, Kentucky.
When did you two meet?
We met on Tinder in 2014 and were just best friends for a solid two years before being a couple.
What has traveling taught you so far?
Alexa: Traveling has taught me to take things day by day. I’ve learned that in this situation it’s not beneficial to look at the big picture. Instead, I cram the most I can into each day and just grind in hope that a payoff will happen. So far, that frame of mind is working great for me!
Stephen: I’m a very organized and structured individual. Traveling has taught me to go with the flow and when I do, I end up enjoying myself much more. My suggestion is if you have a dream destination, just go for it and see where the path takes you.
Do you have any traveling tips/techniques to share?
Stephen: Oh mannn. I’m OCD so…
-You can line the interior of your suitcase with fabric softener so that your clothes smell extra good.
-You can fill zip lock bags with clothes and then roll them up, draining the bags of air.
-You can roll up all of your headphones and cords then stuff them in a sunglasses case for organization.
-You can stuff your socks in your shoes so they don’t crease.
-You can roll up your belts inside a collared shirt you don’t want creased.
-And you know, you always want to roll your clothes instead of folding them.
Alexa: What he said.
For those unfamiliar with what travel bloggers do, what do people overlook the most?
Alexa: They overlook the time it takes to shoot, process images, then write copy and promote each and every blog shoot. It takes a lot of organization and dedication to the project.
Stephen: I think people overlook the fact that bloggers are sharing their artistic visions of their spaces. So I know a lot of people back home complain that Louisville isn’t cool enough to take photos of. I’d like to disagree and say they aren’t viewing it right. Wherever I am, I like to appreciate the beauty I see.
The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what/who inspires you two the most?
Stephen: @iamgalla is a rad travel and fashion blogger. I like his stuff particularly because he integrates travel and fashion nicely and also has insane photo processing skills.
Alexa: As far as bloggers go, I love @elsaswholesomelife. She visits the most out of this world places and she blogs about food, which I also love. (You have to check out her presentation skills!)
What’s a typical day like for you two?
A typical weekday we wake up naturally at 6:20 a.m. We leave our cabin to walk to the bathroom and greet about twenty sleepy farm cats along the way. We’re the first ones up, work doesn’t start until 8 or so. We brew coffee and make breakfast masterpieces. Our fave is a bagel with cream cheese, farm fresh tomatoes, and an egg. We walk to our camp gazebo where there is a dreamy sunrise and we eat breakfast together with our favorite farm cat, also named Stephen. Sometimes we’ll read the paper or just answer emails until work starts.
Work is different everyday. Sometimes we’ll be picking papaya or giving farm tours or mowing the lawn. It’s always different. We do that for five hours and then get off at 1 pm. After that, we’ll decide if it’s a work day or a play day. Sometimes we’ll go snorkeling and some days we’ll go to a coffee shop for the remainder of the day. It almost always ends with sunsets on the farm with friendly folks.
We see you’re into fashion as well. What trends are you most excited about for spring?
Alexa: The sad thing is, I had to google spring trends. Honestly, out here everything is laid back and boho has it gets. As far as swimwear goes, I love the 80’s inspired suits and the head wraps are super boho glam.
Stephen: I’m a firm believer that trends start with women and then migrate to men. So a trend I love is the bandanas tied around the neck and arm. I also like to sport some short-short board shorts for my everyday wear.
Do you have any tips or tricks for achieving an aesthetically awesome Instagram page? Any social media tips?
Stephen: Keep pushing content and don’t care about what you’re followers think. Instagram is forgiving because it’s constantly moving. Don’t dwell on how something will be received (unless it’s offensive, duh) but instead, shoot shoot shoot and keep sharing your world.
Alexa: Get over your fear of shooting in public. Things get to be a lot more fun that way! I’ve always been self-conscious about shooting iPhone photos around people but it was my New Year’s resolution to get over it and enjoy capturing my life!
What’s your best advice for people wanting to travel?
Alexa: This is my advice for people wanting to do anything. Just go for it and give it your whole self. Everything that’s worthwhile takes effort and devotion so attack your dreams with everything you’ve got and know that you will be rewarded. The destination will be worth it and the journey will make you grow as a person. Both are invaluable.
Stephen: If you have the chance to travel, do it now. My granny always tells me you have no idea where you’ll be at later in life. If you can do it now, do it. Later, you could be locked down to a location or not have the means to.

Follow their journey!
