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    Beauty In Modesty

    Beauty In Modesty

    There was a time not too many decades ago when modesty was considered beautiful.

    A woman did not need to bare 3/4 of all the skin on her body just to get noticed.

    There are a few places where such dignity is still alive. Amalya Shandelman, one of the best photographers in Houston, has captured such a view and is happy to share it with you.

    Photographer: Amalya Shandelman | IG: @amalyaphoto

    Model: Lilly Gelman

    Wardrobe: Houston Antique Shop

    1 Comment

    • Polly
      March 30, 2023

      Everyone has their own idea of beauty, it is important to understand this. You have a unique appearance, it may not meet the standards of beauty, and this is also good. It is important to accept yourself the way you are. Most recently, I took the “am I attractive” test, I found it really interesting

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    Beauty In Modesty

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 1 min