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    Discovering The Right Sober Living Community

    Discovering The Right Sober Living Community

    Are you considering a sober living community as part of your recovery?

    If so, you’re not alone. A growing number of people are turning to these sober communities to maintain sobriety and rebuild their lives. But what is a sober living community, and what can you expect if you decide to live in one?

    In this post, we’ll discuss the basics of sober living communities and what you need to know before deciding whether or not to join one.

    What Is A Sober Living Community?

    The term “sober living community” is used to describe a variety of different types of living arrangements that are designed to provide support and structure for people in recovery from substance abuse disorders. Sober living communities can take many forms, but all typically provide residents with a safe and drug-free environment to live and work on their recovery.

    A sober living community is slightly different from a sober living house and may be run by private organizations, government agencies, or non-profit organizations. These communities may be located in urban or rural areas and can vary greatly in size and scope. They mostly work with outpatient treatment.  New Vista Health addiction center offers therapeutic programming and healing spaces, for those seeking additional resources and support.

    Benefits Of Sober Living Community

    Sober communities offer many benefits to their members. Some of these benefits include:

    A safe and supportive environment

    This is one of the essential benefits of a sober living house. The members of these communities provide a support network for each other in the early recovery stages, which can be extremely helpful during difficult times.

    An opportunity to learn new skills

    Sober living home or community often offers classes and workshops on topics such as anger management, budgeting, and communication. These skills can be extremely helpful in everyday life.

    A chance to meet other sober people

    One of the best things about sober living communities is that they allow one to meet other people in recovery. This can be a great way to make new friends and learn from others who have been through similar experiences.

    An opportunity to give back

    Sober living communities often offer volunteer opportunities. This is the best way to give back to the Community and help others trying to recover from addiction.

    A sense of belonging

    Sober living communities can provide a sense of belonging for their members through their support groups. This can be a great way to feel connected to something larger than oneself and to feel like part of a team.

    How Do You Know If A Sober Living Community Is Right For You Or Your Loved One?

    If you or a loved one is considering a sober living community, there are some things to consider before making a decision. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Is the person in need of treatment?

    Sober-living homes are not appropriate for everyone. if you are looking for substance abuse treatment and the person is not ready to commit to sobriety, they may not be successful in a sober living environment. Luckily if you live in Georgia, there are various options available. Even if AA/NA groups are not the right fit, there are still many other options for addiction treatment in Georgia including non-12-step programs and alternative therapies. Sober living communities are best suited for individuals who have already completed an inpatient or outpatient treatment program, so be sure to consider this before making a decision.

    Is the person committed to sobriety?

    Sober living communities require residents to abstain from drugs and alcohol. If the person is not ready or willing to commit, a sober living community may not be the best option.

    Can the person follow the rules?

    Sober living communities have rules that residents must follow. If the person is not able to follow the rules, they may not be successful in a sober living environment.

    Is the person willing to live with other people in recovery?

    Sober living facilities typically involve sharing a home with other people in recovery. If the person is not comfortable with this, they may not be successful in a sober living environment.

    What is the person’s support system like?

    Sober living communities can provide some support, but it is important to consider whether the person has a strong support system outside of the Community. If the person does not have a robust support system, they may not be successful in a sober living environment.

    Deciding to seek help for addiction is a difficult one. But, if you or a loved one is considering a sober living community, it is important to view all the factors involved before making a decision. Sober living communities can be a good option for some people in recovery, but they are not suitable for everyone.

    What Are The Rules That Residents Must Follow In Sober Living Community?

    Sober living communities typically have rules that residents must follow. Some of these rules may include

    • Abstaining from drugs and alcohol
    • Following a curfew
    • Attending weekly meetings
    • Completing chores and
    • Paying rent on time (if living in a paid community)

    It is essential to consider whether the person can follow these rules before deciding whether a sober living community is right for them.

    What Should You Expect When Moving Into A Sober Living Community?

    Here are some things you can expect when making the transition into sober living:

    You will be expected to follow house rules

    Sober living communities typically have rules that residents are expected to follow. These rules are designed to create an environment conducive to recovery and provide a structure for residents. Some standard rules include abstaining from drugs and alcohol, following a curfew, attending regular meetings, and having formal treatment.

    You will be expected to contribute to the Community

    Residents typically run sober living communities, so everyone is expected to pitch in and help. This could involve cleaning up, cooking meals, or running errands.

    You will be expected to find a job

    Most sober living houses or communities require residents to find employment. This helps residents transition back into the workforce and start supporting themselves financially. It also helps keep residents busy and distracted from thoughts of using drugs or alcohol.

    You will be expected to pay rent

    Sober-living residents typically pay rent, which helps cover the costs of running the Community. Rent is usually based on a person’s income, so employed residents typically pay more than those who are not. Residents are also responsible for other bills, such as utilities and groceries.

    You will be expected to participate in treatment

    While sober living communities are not treatment facilities, residents are typically expected to participate in some form of addiction treatment, such as individual therapy or group counseling. Drug treatment can help residents stay on track with their recovery and work through any issues.

    By having realistic expectations and being prepared for what to expect, you can set yourself up for success in sober living.

    How Can You Make The Most Of Your Time In A Sober Living Community?

    If you are reading this, you may be wondering how you can make the most of your time in a sober living community. Here are just a few ideas:

    • No alcohol and drug abuse
    • Get a job
    • Volunteer
    • Get involved in a hobby
    • Get involved in sober activities
    • Get a pet

    Making the most of your time in a sober living community and getting yourself rid of substance abuse is very important.

    You Can Set Yourself Up For Success

    Sober living communities can be an excellent way for people in recovery to transition back into society and have better mental health. It is important to understand the rules and expectations of sober living before making a move and how you can make the most of your time in the Community. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can set yourself up for success in the sober living Community.

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    Discovering The Righ…

    by Jennifer Smith Time to read this article: 18 min