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    The Best States For Summer Road Trips In 2024

    The Best States For Summer Road Trips In 2024

    With 75% of U.S. adults saying they will take a road trip this summer, WalletHub released its report on the Best & Worst States for Summer Road Trips in 2024.

    They compared the 50 U.S. states based on 32 key metrics. The data set ranges from the number of attractions to road conditions to costs.


    Best States for Summer Road Trips: Worst States for Summer Road Trips:
    1. Texas 46. Vermont
    2. Minnesota 47. Montana
    3. New York 48. Connecticut
    4. Louisiana 49. Rhode Island
    5. Florida
    50. Delaware

    Best vs. Worst

    • California has the highest number of scenic byways, which is 22 times higher than in Connecticut and Delaware, the states with the lowest.
    • Mississippi has the lowest daily price for camping, which is 3.3 times lower than in California, the state with the highest.
    • Arizona has the lowest price for a three-star hotel room, which is 3.1 times lower than in Alaska, the state with the highest.
    • New Hampshire has the lowest number of car thefts per 1,000 residents, which is 11.7 times lower than in Colorado, the state with the highest.


    Want to see your State’s rank? Check it out here. 

    1 Comment

    • Colette Bailey
      September 4, 2024

      Road trips are the perfect way to explore new places in comfort and freedom. Using a cruise control car rental like the one offered by makes the journey even more enjoyable, allowing you to relax and enjoy the scenery without any worries. A comfortable trip always starts with a reliable car!

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    The Best States For …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min