The impact of COVID-19 has been both far-reaching and profound for all of us but one of the unseen effects has been its impact on our mental health.
There has been a major increase in mental health disorders in the 8 months following the first coronavirus lockdown and now that we’re approaching a Christmas where some of us might not be able to see our loved ones, things could get even worse. But there are steps you can be taking right now to keep yourself from lapsing into lockdown despair and we’ll be introducing just a few of them below.
Get a good night’s sleep – We understand the last thing somebody that’s struggling to sleep wants to hear is that they “should be getting more sleep” but try not to worry about it too much. Just do everything in your power to improve the quality of your sleep. Buy some comfortable ladies nightwear or men’s nightwear to keep you snug and try taking a hot bath before bed.
Change your diet – There is a great tendency when we’re feeling miserable in lockdown to rely on Uber Eats a little too much (particularly with all the deals they keep throwing at us) but hold fire. Lockdown might seem like the ideal opportunity to stuff you face but it will only make you feel worse in the long term. Why not eat healthy during the week and then reward yourself with a takeaway at the weekend instead. It’ll at least give you something to look forward to!
Leave the house every day – Even if it’s just to go for a walk in the local park. Cabin fever is bound to set in eventually no matter how comfortable you might feel at home, don’t allow yourself to get too comfortable as a shut-in. It can be something as simple as a lap of the block, as long as you’re getting a little bit of exercise.
Reach out – The worst thing you can do when feeling isolated during lockdown is to shun those that you love. Friends and family are just a phone call or video conference call away. We might not be able to meet up with each other right now (unless you’re one of the rare lucky ones in Tier 1) but we can still communicate and let each other know that we’re still there.
Keep busy – Even if you can’t work right now, the last thing you need to do is be left alone with your thoughts racing. Whether it’s catching up on a Netflix series, diving into a new book or writing your own novel, there are hundreds of things you could be doing to keep your mind active.