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    3dRudder Announces New Flex Mode To Enhance Gaming Experience On Xbox Controllers

    3dRudder Announces New Flex Mode To Enhance Gaming Experience On Xbox Controllers

    The French-American start-up company releases its new Flex Mode for its foot controller introducing 2 gaming configurations dedicated to the Xbox Adaptive Controller.

    On Xbox, when the 3dRudder is plugged in the Adaptive Controller, it takes the functionality of a given thumbstick of the traditional gamepad. That being said, applying the settings of a hand controller to a foot controller can prove unsettling at first.

    Better Feel + Enhanced playability

    The team at 3drudder has been working on a new set of settings with a focus on the dead zone to neutralize the latency effect inherited from the thumbstick, and curves to make full use of 3drudder’s progressivity.

    The result is a set of 2 gaming configurations that offers an ideal balance between reactivity and sensitivity and makes Xbox games so much enjoyable to play and easy to master.

    As 3dRudder’s CEO, Stanislas Chesnais, explains: “the native support offered by the Xbox Adaptive Controller is a wonderful opportunity, but also a starting point. As we constantly thrive for innovation, we felt we could improve the experience by offering the same feel and playability with the 3dRudder on Xbox as on other platforms.”

    Tutorial video: 3dRudder Flex Mode for the Xbox Adaptive Controller

    1 mode, 2 gaming configurations:

    Because each gamer has their own preference when it comes to playing Xbox games with the 3dRudder foot controller, the new Flex Mode offers a choice of 2 gaming configurations. Entirely the gamer’s choice.

    • Configuration 1: this option combines the pitch and the roll. If we take Forza horizon 4 as an example, you’ll tilt the 3drudder forward to speed up and tilt it to the left or the right to steer the wheel.
    • Configuration 2: this option combines the pitch and the yaw. Still in FH4, you’ll speed up by tilting the 3drudder forward and steer the wheel by spinning the 3drudder to the left or the right.

    Tutorial video: 3dRudder & Xbox Adaptive Controller

    Hands-free activation

    Activating the new Flex Mode, and switching from configuration 1 to configuration 2, has been designed as a hands-free control to match the kind of disability 3dRudder’s users may experience. When the user puts his right foot on the right side of the 3dRudder and remains still for 5 seconds, the Flex Mode is activated and configuration 1 enabled. Likewise, with the left foot to enable configuration 2.

    The 3dRudder is a foot controller that is a naturally very convenient accessible peripheral for people with limited mobility. When used as a PC peripheral, it can be alternatively

    • a foot keyboard with up to 8 key bindings
    • a foot mouse with exactly the same functionalities as a hand mouse
    • a foot joystick with up to 4 axes
    • a foot-powered VR motion controller

    The 3dRudder offers plenty of advantages for accessibility:

    • A rounded basis to trigger action with effortless movements of your feet
    • Button-free design for an intuitive use
    • Compatible with the Xbox Adaptative Controller and Xbox games
    • Works on PC to play PC games, VR games & use Windows-based applications
    • $99/99€ at,, Microsoft stores, and major retailers

    3dRudder is compatible with Xbox Adaptative Controller with a USB cable.

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    3dRudder Announces N…

    by Sebastian Clemmons Time to read this article: 7 min