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    Must-Have Apps For Your Mac In 2020 And Beyond

    Must-Have Apps For Your Mac In 2020 And Beyond

    There is a certain charm that is associated with an iPhone or any Mac product.

    It is not for nothing that people love using these products.

    The Mac products are user-friendly and have a variety of functions that might not be available on an Android. However, that in no way means that Androids have no significant features that can come handy to users.

    Mac and Android, each has unique features and uses to bring to the table. However, when it comes to Mac products, it is a whole another story. Mac has been ruling the markets for a long time now, and for good enough reasons.  It not only adds on to the reputation of those using the products, but also has features that might come handy in different situations. However, one must know the right apps to download and use to make the most of a Mac product.

    The article that we have here today shall shed some light on all the apps that a Mac user can use in 2021, now that 2020 is already at its fag end. Therefore, let us plunge into the topic without delaying it any further.

    Airmail 3

    There are people who are not much comfortable in using the design of the native macOS mail app. Some might find it complicated. Therefore, for those select few, Airmail 3 comes as a relief. The app provides the users with a refreshing Gmail style interface on their Apple desktop. This might sound too good to be true. Does it not?

    But you can rest assured that with a monthly subscription model, this can be a reality for you now too. Just pay the amount every month, and get started on using your mail as easily as you dreamt of on your Apple desktop.


    Android or Mac, every system requires an app cleaner to get rid of the junk and e-residue on phones and desktops. Appcleaner is one such app that comes in real handy while using your Mac. One of the most important aspects of maintaining a Macbook or your iPhone is that of getting rid of unwanted apps.

    Some apps take up a lot of space on your systems and even slows them down if not removed on time. Therefore, an app cleaner of any sort is mandatory. This app helps you uninstall apps and software that you no longer use and that too, without a hassle. Plus, you can try this out to remove not just apps, but also extensions of sorts. Appcleaner is primarily a free app, that runs on donations. You do not have to go for paid apps like Trash Me, now that Appcleaner is at your disposal and for free.

    Alfred 4

    For the uninitiated, this app is much like a super-powered Spotlight. It helps you to customize a myriad of keyboard shortcuts and a bunch of other shorthand commands. These commands and shortcuts can then be used to launch apps, scour through the webspace and a hoard of other stuff.

    The best part of the app is that this cool app is available for free on the Apple Store. However, if you want to unlock more features than what is offered in the basic version, you might want to pay $25 to obtain a license for the premium update. But if you are happy with the basic version, nothing like it. You can enjoy the features for free.


    If you’re looking for an upgrade to the original WhatsApp, you can seek the latest version to release, the GB WhatsApp APK download. This version carries the app’s original features and newly added ones as well. It allows chatting, voice, and video calls. Additionally, it also lets you share your live location, files, contacts, and media files.


    The final app that we must talk about without fail is that of Lastpass. This is one of the best password managers that there is on the market. Most of the password manager apps these days run in the background and lead to autofill on iOS and Android. However, that is not always a great thing for security. Lastpass is one such app that does not run in the background but makes it incredibly easy for you to access your passwords for different apps. Plus, Lastpass also has a nifty keyword which helps users to quickly search through the password vault.


    These are some of the apps of our choice that we think shall step in as a savior on a number of occasions.

    Of course, there are several other apps that you might want to look for and download on your device. However, these are some of the apps that you must install at once on your phones and Macbooks if you are to use your Mac devices to the best of their abilities.

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