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    How To Make A Move To Malaysia Less Stressful

    How To Make A Move To Malaysia Less Stressful

    Are you planning a long-distance move to Malaysia soon?

    Are you both excited for the opportunities it will allow you while also having moments of stress, anxiety, and panic over the move itself?

    There is a lot involved in any move, even if you’re just moving a short distance – but factor in a move to a whole other country, and suddenly the stress level can be off the charts.

    Before the anxiety and stress of it all get to you, here are seven ways you can make your move to Malaysia less stressful. This allows you to focus on the positives instead, which is what the move should be all about.

    Start Looking for Accommodations Before You Leave

    Arriving in a new location and being faced with the task of setting up your entire life can be pretty overwhelming. For that reason, it’s wise to start looking for a place to live before you even arrive in Malaysia. This means you know you’ll have somewhere to go once you land and you can start unpacking and get comfortable immediately.

    PropertyGuru is a great resource to use as you investigate home sales or jualan rumah in Malaysia. You can use the filter tool to set the price, how many bedrooms you want, what style of residence it is, the floor size, the number of bathrooms, and more. It’s a great way to find exactly what you want from the comfort of your home – before arriving.

    Purge Your Belongings

    For those who have never moved long-distance in the past, you may not realize just how expensive it is to ship your items. Shipping everything you own to Malaysia may sound like a good idea, but in reality, it’s probably not the smartest course of action. Instead, begin by purging everything you own, making sure to make three piles – keep, discard, and give away. The goal should be to drastically reduce the number of belongings you are keeping and taking with you. Chances are that, whatever you need, you’ll be able to purchase in Malaysia.

    As for the things you keep, if you don’t want to ship everything and the move isn’t meant to be permanent, then you can look into long term storage options.

    Pack In an Organized Manner

    Now that you’ve purged your belongings, it’s time to start packing. Leaving this step to the last minute is bound to cause massive amounts of stress so instead, try setting little goals for yourself. Focus on packing one space or one room at a time and don’t move on until that room is finished. Labeling all the boxes you pack is essential as this will help you to organize both on this end of the move and when you arrive.

    Start Learning the Language

    There’s no time like the present to start learning the local language. You can start with the basics and work from there. This will provide you with a foundation that will make communication much smoother in those beginning days, weeks, and months.

    The official language in Malaysia is Malay. There are many helpful language learning apps you can use, with many also offering a translation tool for when you come across words or terms you’re not familiar with yet.

    Give Yourself Time to Be a Tourist

    This tip is meant for those who are moving to Malaysia and already have a job lined up. Maybe the job was the reason for the move in the first place. While it’s great you already have work, you will still need time to settle in. This is why experts suggest you arrive at least a week or two before you’re supposed to start working.

    You can then use this time to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood, dining, and shopping, the public transit system, how long it takes to get to/from work and so forth. It also means you get to act like a tourist in your new home and discover all the attractions and nearby sights.

    Connect with Any Contacts You May Have

    If you have friends, family, or co-workers who live in Malaysia, it’s wise to touch base with them as soon as possible. They can help you to acclimate and get used to your new surroundings, providing you with all kinds of insight and tips.

    Homesickness Doesn’t Mean You Made a Mistake

    The final tip is to make sure you don’t read too much into homesickness. Many people will end up feeling at least a bit homesick in those early days and weeks. This is completely normal and it doesn’t mean that the move was a bad idea. Allow yourself to have those days and be kind to yourself.

    As you can see with these tips, there are plenty of ways to reduce and even eliminate the stress that surrounds your move to Malaysia.

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    How To Make A Move T…

    by Grace Murphy Time to read this article: 11 min