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    Interesting Flags From Around the World

    Interesting Flags From Around the World

    Every country around the world usually has a flag, which is unique by nature.

    Flags are symbolic as they act as a symbol of unity and independence. They work as a portrait to represent what the specific country is proud of. It’s for this reason that flags are used as the right storytelling vehicle.

    If you travel around the world, you will come across different flags bearing different colors. Some may look awful to your eyes, while others are interesting. Without saying much, here are the exciting flags from around the world that you should know about.

    1. Canada

    The first and most exciting flag around the world is that of Canada. The flag features two colors red and white. In between the two red stripes is a red Maple leaf. The design has been Canada’s official flag since 1965. The flag was made official after serious national debates that were sparked by Lester B. Pearson, the then Prime Minister.

    2. South Africa

    At the edge of Africa is a renowned country, South Africa. South Africa is known for hosting the 2010 World Cup games. Besides, the country is considered to be one of the must-visit destinations around the world. The fact that it’s considered to be the cradle land of humankind means that there’s a lot of things to see in terms of culture. The country’s diverse nature offers a unique trip experience that can never be exhausted within a week’s trip.

    Apart from the excursions and rich culture, another fantastic thing about this country is its national flag. It features up to six colors, which include; green, black, white, gold, red, and blue. The flag was commissioned after the release of Nelson Mandela from prison in 1990. The flag’s green, black and yellow were adopted from Mandela’s his national congress’s banner. The remaining three colors were taken from the Transvaal’s old flag. Apart from the many colors, the flag’s Y shape is another exciting thing to consider. The shape is believed to be an indication of the convergence of the different cultures within the nation.

    3. USA

    It goes without mentioning that the US also does have an attractive flag. This flag features three colors, which are red, blue, and white. The flag is prominent for its 28 incarnations of the famous ‘stripes and stars.’ The current version has been in use since 1960 (Independence Day). This version has a lot of history about the US. For instance, the thirteen stripes are said to represent the thirteen colonies that declared independence to become the first states of the union. On the flag’s top left side are 50 stars, which is the number of states in the US today.

    The flag can also be modified according to the political preferences of every person. Lots of people like to shop for Trump Flags containing the signature Republican Elephant on it. The presence of a US flag during protests is known for creating a sensational effect, which sparks deep-seated emotions from both supporters and critics.

    How does it feel having the USA flag on your door? Of course, it feels special. It’s a way of showing love and respect for the country. In the recent past, the use of these flags in homes and offices has become a trend. Today, finding the country’s flag is easy, as there are many places to look up to. When it comes to finding the american flag cases, there are many factors to have at the back of your mind. For instance, things such as cost and material used are things to consider if you are looking for an all-season flag. Also, you can consider having other flags and military flags at your home. However, you must ensure that you comply with the set rules in place.

    4. Mozambique

    The fourth flag in this list is the flag of Mozambique. It’s also another flag that features many colors, six of them (green, black, white, gold, and red). However, the colors aren’t the only thing that is exciting about the flag. The flag features an AK-47. You may ask, why the gun in the banner? Your guess is right because the firearm in this flag is a symbol of the country’s struggles for independence. Also, there is a book beneath the weapon, which symbolizes the country’s value for education. The state also values farming, and that can be seen clearly through the hoe printed on the flag. The last thing you will notice on the flag is the star. The star here is used to symbolize internationalism and Marxism.

    5. Iran

    Last in this list is the Iranian flag, which features three colors (green, white, and red). The colors used in the banner are all symbolic. The green color here symbolizes happiness and growth, while the red one stands for peace. Red, on the other end, stands for fire, love, and bravery. Also, on the inner edges of each color band is writing ‘Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) repeated 11 times.

    If you recall back in your primary school, you were taught about the importance of a national flag. Now that you are grown, the chances are that you have had the luck of seeing different flags from various parts of the world. You must find it hard to figure out the meaning of the various symbols found on the multiple flags.

    Listed in this article are the top five flags around the world. By reading the article, you will understand why they are exciting and the meaning of every feature that they bear.

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