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    Airline Flight Attendant Flies And Lands Plane In Viral YouTube Video

    Airline Flight Attendant Flies And Lands Plane In Viral YouTube Video

    A flight attendant successfully pilots and lands a plane in a viral YouTube video on the aviation channel 74Gear.

    Pilot Kelsey, a commercial airline pilot of a Boeing 747, hands the controls of a small aircraft to Stella, a flight attendant YouTuber with a fear of heights.

    “Flying a plane will cause sensory overload for most people, especially the first few flights,” said pilot Kelsey. “I told Stella several times before we arrived at the airport that I was going to have her fly, but I think she blocked it from her mind. In the video, you can see her genuine shock when I told her she would be flying the aircraft. It’s amazing she faced her fears and was willing to let it all be recorded.”

    Stella, who hosts the Fly with Stella YouTube channel, is a flight attendant with a major U.S. airline. Her channel follows her adventures around the world.

    When asked what motivated him to take up a flight attendant who had a fear of heights, pilot Kelsey responded,

    “This is an aviation series I have wanted to do for almost two years. There are a lot of raw emotions between the beauty of flight and fear of the unknown. It gives me a chance to have influencers or celebrities doing something WAY outside of their comfort zone. It is a lot of fun. I ask the people I am going to fly with where they want to fly, and Stella wanted to stay next to the airport, so that is what we did.”

    The pair took off from the airport in Torrance, California in a small aircraft provided by the Sling Pilot Academy. Kelsey placed cameras both inside and outside. He speaks to the audience throughout the flight while encouraging Stella to fly the plane.

    Pilot Kelsey said that after the video, several celebrities and influencers reached out through his Instagram, 74Gear, interested to go fly with him as part of this new series. He wouldn’t reveal who, but he said,

    “I am very excited to see if this series takes off, no pun intended.”

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    Airline Flight Atten…

    by Claire Legeron Time to read this article: 5 min