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    Millennials Are Leaving Jobs Due To The Lack of Mental Health Awareness In The Workforce

    Millennials Are Leaving Jobs Due To The Lack of Mental Health Awareness In The Workforce

    An employment trend expert talks new study which says that half of the millennials have left a job due to the mental health crisis.

    A new study found that 50 percent of Millennials and 75 percent of Generation Z’ers say that they have left a job due to pressing mental health concerns. The study is led by Mind Share Partners, SAP, and Qualtrics discovers that younger generations of workers are much more likely than older employees to leave a job due to the need for mental health care.


    “The study is very important because it reflects generational differences as far as employees’ approach to therapy and self-care,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert.

    “Today’s incoming workforce is much more well-versed in therapy and the need for mental health services, and as this research shows, they seek out these resources when needed, even if it means leaving their current job,” says Wilson.

    Wilson says this study helps reveal where companies and employers can do better in attracting and retaining younger talent.


    “Offering benefits that include comprehensive mental health care can go a long way in attracting younger employees. Therapy is costly, but as research shows, there has been a 47 percent increase in major-depression diagnoses among millennials since 2013,” states Wilson.

    According to Wilson, therapy is the front-line recommendation for depression treatment and you can expect that nearly half of millennial workers are either in therapy, seeking therapy, or being advised to see a therapist by their doctor or family and friends.

    Wilson also states that many companies are also doing their part to ensure that employees enjoy a positive mental health environment while on the job, “Some firms like American Express are actually offering employees access to on-site mental professionals, so they can talk to a therapist during their workday.”


    Many companies according to Wilson, are giving their staff ‘mental health days,’ or flexible vacation hours which they can use whenever they feel like they need to unplug and attend to their mental health.

    “This is a win-win for employees and employers,” says Wilson, “Employees can take care of themselves and come back refreshed and ready to work, and employers know that their workers are in a healthy mindset and able to handle stress.”

    Other ideas include on-site gyms or employee walking or yoga clubs.


    “Fitness initiatives can help get employees moving and promote better mental health, as can partaking in community service events like helping a local animal shelter or YMCA,” SAYS Wilson. “When employees work to give back together, they not only feel connected to each other, but they also enjoy a positive mental-health boost from doing something good for someone else.”

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    Millennials Are Leav…

    by Karla Lopez Time to read this article: 6 min