There’s no denying that puppies are adorable but they’re not always the right choice if you want to welcome a dog into your home.

If you’re thinking about getting a pet, adopting an older dog can be a great choice.

To find out why to take a look at these three benefits that come with rehoming an older pooch:

1. Less Training

In most instances, older dogs will already be fully house trained, and they may even know some tricks. For puppy owners, weeks (or months) of house training can be challenging and dispiriting, but you can avoid this completely when you decide to rehome an older dog. In addition to being house trained, you’ll find that many older dogs are already well-socialized and well-mannered, which means they’re familiar with a range of situations and behave well when confronted by new or unusual environments.

2. Predictable Personality

When you get a puppy, you never know what their temperament will be or whether they’ll develop any issues as they grow up. Although most owners are committed to working with their pups, dealing with separation anxiety, excessive barking, or even aggression can be extremely difficult.

By rehoming an older dog, you’ll have the opportunity to discover whether they have any ongoing issues before you decide whether you can offer them a happy home. By talking to shelter staff and getting to know the dog beforehand, you’ll have a good idea of their personality and temperament before they arrive home.

3. Endless Love

It’s a sad fact that older dogs can be harder to rehome, which means they can spend long periods of time in shelters through no fault of their own. Worse still, some shelters may have limited space, which means dogs can be put to sleep before their time.

When you choose to rehome an older dog, you’re giving them a new lease of life and allowing them to live out their later years in a happy and secure environment. Not only will this give you a well-deserved sense of pride, but it will learn you the endless love and gratitude of your dog too.

Adopting an Older Dog: What You Need to Know

Before you consider rehoming any dog, it’s important to consider the decision carefully. If you’re going to adopt an older dog, however, there are some things you’ll need to be aware of, such as:

1. Medical History

Like people, dogs can be more prone to ill health as they get older. A senior dog may experience age-related conditions, like arthritis, for example, so it’s important to ask the shelter whether the dog has any known medical problems. In some instances, you may even be able to obtain financial support if treatment is required, so it’s well worth having the conversation.

2. What to Feed an Older Dog

It’s always important to ensure that your dog has high-quality food but it’s particularly critical to ensure that a senior dog gets all of the nutrients they need. By doing so, you can actually reduce the risk of some health problems and help to improve their well-being.

Many dog owners find that switching their dog to a raw food diet is particularly helpful when it comes to dealing with age-related issues. As this guide from Bella & Duke explains, a grain-free, raw food diet can help to minimize skin irritation and even alleviate joint pain. With 100% natural senior raw dog food from Bella & Duke, as well as options for pups and adult dogs, you can ensure that every member of your canine family can benefit from a raw food diet. You can even get food delivered straight to your door.

3. How Long Will You Have with Your Dog

If you’re going to adopt an older dog, something you’ll need to consider is how long you’re likely to have with them. Every breed has its own expected lifespan, although you can’t predict exactly how long a dog will live. While rehoming an older dog may mean that you don’t get as long with them as you would with a puppy, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of the time they have left. In many ways, this is one instance when ‘quality over quantity really does ring true.

Are You Ready for a Dog?

If you’re a first-time dog owner or you haven’t owned a dog for some time, you’ll want to do a lot of research before you decide to commit to getting a pet. Although a dog will bring unbridled joy, they require a significant amount of attention, exercise, and love, so be sure that your lifestyle will enable you to give your pooch what they need. If so, there’s no doubt that adopting an older animal can be a fantastic way to welcome a dog into your life and to give them a happy home to enjoy their senior years in.
