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    Ensuring Optimal Performance of Company Cars

    Ensuring Optimal Performance of Company Cars

    Whether you have one company car or an entire fleet, it is vital that you know how to maintain the performance of company cars.

    This is so that you can rely on your company cars each day, prolong the life of the vehicles, ensure employee safety, and keep your costs down. So, what can you do to ensure the optimal performance of company cars? There are a few key areas to focus on.

    Regular Visual Inspections

    First, you should conduct regular visual inspections of the vehicle. You want to look for signs of damage or wear and tear, such as tyre damage, broken lights, and fluid leaks. You should also inspect the body for scratches, dents, and any other issues. Be sure to schedule a regular basic car service at a local garage to gain an overview of your company car’s health and get key maintenance tasks carried out.

    Monitor Fluid Levels

    Fluids are essential for the smooth operation of any vehicle. You need to keep these fluid levels at the optimal level, so it is important to monitor fluid levels and top up as and when required. Low or contaminated fluids can lead to a range of issues, including engine damage, overheating, and brake failure. The main fluids to monitor include:

    • Engine oil
    • Coolant
    • Brake fluid
    • Transmission fluid
    • Windshield washer fluid

    Tyre Maintenance

    The car tyres have a huge impact on the performance, efficiency, and safety of the vehicle, so this is another key area to focus on. You should check the tyre pressure often and top up when required – properly inflated tyres will improve fuel efficiency, handling, and reduce the risk of blowouts. You must also keep a close eye on the tread depth – the legal minimum is 1.6mm, but it is recommended that you change at least by 2mm. It is also wise to rotate your tyres to ensure even wear and extend the lifespan.

    Keep Records

    An often overlooked element of car maintenance is keeping records of all inspections, services, and repairs. This is helpful for tracking the vehicle’s history, spotting recurring issues, and planning maintenance. Based on usage and performance data, predictive maintenance can also help preempt problems before they become major (and expensive) issues.

    These are the key areas to focus on that will help you keep your company car(s) in the best possible condition. This is key for performance, efficiency, safety, keeping your costs down, and extending your vehicle’s lifespan.

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    Ensuring Optimal Per…

    by Anthony Johnson Time to read this article: 6 min