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    Immersive Campaign Shot By James Emmerman Launches In Celebration Of Andy Warhol Museum’s 30th Anniversary

    Immersive Campaign Shot By James Emmerman Launches In Celebration Of Andy Warhol Museum’s 30th Anniversary

    This May, a new brand campaign was launched celebrating The Andy Warhol Museum’s 30th anniversary.

    The organization partnered with leading independent creative company BarkelyOKRP and renowned NY-based fashion photographer James Emmerman to develop a campaign that brings the museum’s exceptional collection (the largest collection of Warhol art and archives in the world) and experience to life.

    “When digging into this project, we asked ourselves, ‘If Andy were to promote the museum, how would he do it?’ So we embraced his love of fashion, fantasy and multimedia, high and low culture, creating images that presented The Warhol as an immersive experience that will blow you away,” said Cathy Bowen, Creative Director at BarkleyOKRP.

    The new campaign entitled, “It’s Not Just Art, It’s an Experience,” highlights that The Andy Warhol Museum is not just a place to view Warhol’s artwork but also a genuinely unique, unbelievable, immersive, in-real-life experience. The campaign’s print and social media assets feature highly art-directed, fashion-forward photographs of models posing in front of iconic Warhol pieces, including Skull, The Last Supper, Silver Clouds, and Andy Warhol on the Red Couch. Captured through Emmerman’s lens, the campaign serves as a testament to the lasting reputation of Warhol’s art and its cultural impact on late-twentieth-century art.

    “Andy Warhol famously said that Pop Art is all about ‘liking things,’ said renowned NY-based photographer James Emmerman. “This is how many people most often experience photography now — as something to ‘like’ on social media. For this project, I was interested by the oddly appropriate challenge of creating images in that vein. Work that celebrates Warhol, the museum, and the Pittsburgh community surrounding it. Work that inspires the audience to like. And I like to think Andy would’ve liked that.”

    “It’s Not Just Art, It’s an Experience” has just launched in Pittsburgh, Warhol’s hometown and where the museum resides, as well as surrounding markets. It will run throughout the year.

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    Immersive Campaign S…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 4 min