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    Monowhales’ New Single: Out With The Old

    Monowhales’ New Single: Out With The Old

    Monowhales’ new single, Out With The Old,” is an anthem for the disenfranchised, centering on the loss of innocence and entitlement which we’ve all experienced over the past year.

    This song is the feeling of being made to choose where there’s no choice at all, but taking a vicious grip on hope in spite of everything going on in our lives.

    Stream it where you prefer listening now.

    “As a band, we try our best to always move forward with positivity despite the darkness we’ve all experienced. We are working towards more caring, nurturing and inclusive ways of thinking and treating one another.”

    “There’s been so much loss and heartbreak in the world this year but we are all in the midst of a paradigm shift. We have no choice but to embrace the new reality of our lives. Let’s agree that we all need to help create a kinder future.”

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    Monowhales’ Ne…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min