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    70% Of People Would Rather Give Up Their Smartphone For A Year Than Give Up Their Pet

    70% Of People Would Rather Give Up Their Smartphone For A Year Than Give Up Their Pet

    Honest Paws has just released a study revealing just how far Americans will go for their pets.

    Americans seem to love their pets.

    Did you know that among 1,014 people surveyed,

    • 67% of people would rather give up internet access for a year than give up their pet
    • 57% of people said they’d rather give up the ability to leave their house for 2 years than give up their pet
    • 70% of people would rather give up their smartphone for a year than give up their pet
    • 71% of people would rather give up sex for a year than give up their pet.
    • 96% of people would rather give up alcohol and junk food than give up their pet.
    • 83% of people would work a second job to afford their pet’s healthcare needs.

    Read the entire study here.

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    70% Of People Would …

    by Ybottee Cajucom Time to read this article: 2 min