A dog they say is man’s best friend. Since time immemorial, dogs have stayed at man’s side offering him and his family protection and companionship, even up to this present day.

There are so many breeds of dogs and several of them would fit perfectly and thrive in a family by virtue of their warm personality, their way with children, and how easily they can be trained.

Some popular examples of such types of dogs include:

Golden Retriever

This is one of the most popular dog breeds adopted by families. The Golden-Retriever, as the name implies is a golden medium-sized dog who was originally adopted for its versatility in hunting but is now highly beloved and popular due to its intelligence. Usually weighing between 60 and 76 pounds and having a height within the range of 21 and 25 inches, Golden Retrievers thrive well when adopted by families due to their easy and outgoing personality.

Golden Retrievers are fiercely loyal to the family and are very gentle with children. They also get along easily with other dog breeds and usually become champions when they participate in dog competitions because they are very trainable. They have a life expectancy of ten to twelve years.


The Bulldog is another very popular dog breed that has been widely adopted by families everywhere. Usually weighing between 38 to 55 pounds and having a height which usually falls between 13 and 16 inches, Bulldogs are highly favored for their dignified and gentle personality. Bulldogs are so quiet they hardly ever bark and even when they do, it is rarely loud.

This makes them do really well with children in particular and the family in general. They have a life expectancy of eight to ten years.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the clearest examples of popular dog breeds which have become widely adopted by families everywhere. The Labrador Retriever usually weighs between 55 and 80 pounds and has a height that falls within the range of 21 to 25 inches. Like their cousins the Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers are very easy-going and lively. They do well with children and are also highly trainable due to their eagerness to please their owners who they are fiercely loyal and devoted to.  An Australian cattle dog Rottweiler mix is also considered to be quite strong and agile.

Labrador Retrievers also do well with other dogs especially when supervised and are easy to take care of. They have a life expectancy of ten to twelve years. To add on, an

Irish Setter

Also known as “The Big Red”, the Irish Setter is a very popular dog who has warmed its way into the heart of so many families, making it one of the most popular dog breeds adopted by families.

When it comes to spunk, very few other dog breeds come close to the Irish Setter. The Irish Setter is known for his high-spirited, easy-going personality.

Usually weighing between 60 and 70 pounds and having a height of 25 to 28 inches, the Irish Setter is a fiercely loyal and trainable dog breed that also gets along well with other dog breeds. All these contribute to what makes it a popular dog breed amongst families.

French Bulldog

Weighing less than 28 pounds and having a height of between 11 and 13 inches, it is safe to say that the French Bulldogs is one of the smallest breeds of dogs known to man. However, French Bulldogs are also one of the most adorable dogs breeds a family can ever dream of adopting. This trait coupled with the fact that French Bulldogs do well with children and other dog breeds and are easily trainable has made them an instant favorite in several families.


Another small dog breed that has wormed its way into the hearts of several families everywhere is the Pug. Pugs, who look like little Bulldogs are best known for their playful and cheerful attitude which makes them a joy to be around. Weighing between 14 and 18 pounds and having a height of 10 to 13 inches, Pugs are great around kids and also do well with other children. They are also highly trainable due to their desire to please their owner and family.

Adopting a dog is always a good way of introducing more love and warmth into the family. Dog breeds such as (but not limited to) the ones listed above are really pleasant and lovable creatures who would be such a delight to the children and the entire family at large.
