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    Cuja Unveils Stunning Debut EP ‘Vol. 1’

    Cuja Unveils Stunning Debut EP ‘Vol. 1’

    Rising pop sensation Cuja releases infectious debut EP: Vol. 1.

    There is a new voice emerging from the pop scene and her name is Cuja.

    The 4-track EP, titled Vol. 1, fuses retro influences with a forward-thinking electro-pop twist, featuring three previously released songs and one new single “Don’t Forget About Me.”

    Vol. 1 is an authentic collection of Cuja’s thoughts about female empowerment. The EP tells a story of love and what it’s like to be an Asian-American woman living in Los Angeles. Cuja’s experiences are given a boost of life with a cheeky lyricism that allows her personality to shine through on each and every track.

    It’s not easy to be a POC woman in America, but Cuja turns her hardships into songs that are at once emotional and catchy:

    “People think that dark emotions stop you in your tracks and make you completely immobile,” Cuja writes, “but there are plenty of people that can feel joy and still be sad.”

    With the release of Vol. 1, Cuja begins to solidify herself as a leading voice in the Asian-American music community, a minority that she feels is very much lacking in representation. She is utilizing her own voice and talents in order to provide more opportunities for minorities and marginalized groups in music.


    1. “Maneater”
    “‘Maneater,’ inspired by all the powerful HBIC’s in my life, was written to serve as an anthem for the women who work tirelessly to combat the culture of slut-shaming and be empowered by their sexuality.”

    2. “New Friends”
    “‘New Friends’ was inspired by those first butterflies you feel that make you want to risk everything in your life, especially your friends.”

    3. “Don’t Forget About Me”
    “This song was inspired by a hard breakup my friend went through. It’s about moving on, but still hoping you forever haunt your ex.”

    4. “Backseat”
    “I wrote “Backseat” about being over fetishized as an Asian-America woman and treated as an exotic experience or mistress, then the boy goes home to his ‘real life’ and I’m just ‘sleeping in the backseat.'”

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    Cuja Unveils Stunnin…

    by Kelly Guidry Time to read this article: 5 min