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    4 Running Apps That Goes Perfectly With Your Cardio Sessions

    4 Running Apps That Goes Perfectly With Your Cardio Sessions

    Running has been one of the essential activities in modern times.

    Running for a while does not only keep you fit, but it also keeps you healthy. We all know that health is wealth in today’s fast-moving world. It is best to get your cardio in now and then to maintain being fit and healthy.

    With this fact, how can you make your cardio sessions more challenging? A useful statistic that could challenge your everyday cardio runs is the stat of the distance that you ran for today. There is no feeling than seeing how far you ran for today, which serves as a challenge for tomorrow. Want to be better than yesterday? Simply run more miles and minutes and put more pep in your step!

    You can find this statistic on a running app. However, it isn’t all that a running app brings to the table. With a running app, you can track your vitals, navigation, and other useful stats on your next run.

    Here are some of our favorite running apps that track and guide us on our weekly cardio sessions!

    Adidas By Runitastic

    Many people run only casually, and others run just for the sake of it. Some of their goals are maybe to burn off a few calories that they had for lunch, or the calories they plan for the day. However, other people treat running as their daily get away from everything. Their cardio session needs the right stats and numbers.

    You may ask what the need for stats and numbers is all about? Well, other runners like to plan very comprehensively. If these are the traits you exhibit and notice on your daily runs, then this is one of the best running apps for you. Adidas by Runtastic serves as your mile tracker, speed tracker, calorie tracker, and plenty more. These should be the tracker that could show the progress that you are making on your daily physical activities. It even has a voice coaching feature that will surely motivate you while running!


    There is no unequivocal doubt that most of us will perform better with the help of a trainer. However, most of us do not have the means or access and cannot afford a professional trainer. There is no need to worry. Aaptive can serve as the best trainer alternative that comes in a running app. 

    We all know that professional trainers do not exactly come at a bargain price. So, Aaptive uses a library of audio workouts to serve as your guide and motivation. Take note that the people leading these audio workouts are real trainers, so your cardio session will surely be comprehensive and intense!

    Aaptiv also has other services that will help you carve out the best version of yourself! You will have access to running and training programs made for 5K runs and full marathons. It also has full virtual training for resistance and strength training! Who would have known that the only trainer you need comes in the form of a running app like Aaptiv?

    Charity Miles

    The solely known purpose of running is to be fit and in shape and be healthy along the process. However, with Charity Miles, you can run and be fit and even help other people while you get in shape! Who would have known that running and carving out a fit version of yourself pays off charitably?

    Charity Miles helps you donate money, cash, or credit for every 25 miles that you run. The app allows you to donate to the charity of your choice and does not make any restrictions. You can make your running by going with your friends, which makes Charity Miles even better! Pool all of your miles and funds for more significant donations!

    Charity Miles does not forget to give you the running app services that you came for. The app will give you alerts and reminders regarding your running, running goals, and progress.

    Nike+ Run Club

    The Nike+ Run Club is a hyper-focused running app that has all-around usefulness. This running app has everything that an enthusiast runner would want from tracking, audio workout, training plans, and many more. Check out the Nike+ Run Club to see what features await you on your next cardio session!

    The Nike+ Run Club has standard GPS features that allow you to track your location, and the miles you’ve run. So it will give you a comprehensive map of where you stand on your running activities. It even has distance challenges to ensure that you beat your best times and longest miles that you previously set.

    This running app is incredibly social. You can engage and compete with other people with the app. It also can sync with your Music apps. So, best believe that your next run will either be fun or filled with all the competitive juices that should make you “Just Do It.”


    Choosing the best running app for you is not an easy task. First, think of all the features it brings and how it translates to your running routine. Do you like a more comprehensive approach and want an app that gives you comprehensive stats? Or do you want a running app to serve as your running buddy while it tracks and records the progress that you are making?

    Running apps are another way of making running fun. Regardless, these running apps could also push you to stay true to the goals you have set for yourself and even push beyond them. Use these running apps on your next cardio run.

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