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    5 Items You Should Buy Used Instead Of New

    5 Items You Should Buy Used Instead Of New

    If you feel like it’s becoming more challenging to save money, you’re not alone.

    While one strategy to save money is to become a minimalist, this isn’t for everyone. To keep more money in your pocket, consider buying these five items used instead of new.

    1. Vehicles

    Buying a vehicle is one of the worst items on which you can spend your money. The moment you drive a new car off the lot, its value decreases substantially. Not only have you lost hard-earned cash on the purchase itself, but that car will cost you thousands in maintenance and repairs over the years, too. That’s in addition to the cost of fuel and car insurance.

    Despite these drawbacks, a vehicle is a necessity for most people. The question then becomes not whether you need a car but how you can save money on one. The best solution to this is to buy used. For a big family, used vans are the way to go. Makes like Honda, Toyota, and Lexus will depreciate more slowly than other brands, so if you go to sell in the future, you’ll get more money back.

    2. Furniture

    Like vehicles, furniture is a costly purchase that won’t make you any money down the line. While you can save big by buying your furniture from discount stores like IKEA, these pieces aren’t built to last and could end up costing you more over time.

    By buying your furniture used, you can invest in quality pieces that will last you for years to come. Get that beautiful antique sofa reupholstered, and you’ll feel like you have a brand new piece.

    3. Technology

    With technology constantly changing, buying used devices may seem like a poor choice. It is actually for this very reason that buying used is the perfect option. That brand new shiny iPhone or laptop will cost you hundreds of dollars and be obsolete within just a few years. So why not save money by purchasing an out-of-box or refurbished model from a few years past?

    Buying a used phone outright will also save you money on your monthly bill. What more could you want?

    4. Clothing

    In recent years, there has been a lot of attention on the impact of fast fashion on the environment and human rights. If these issues aren’t enough to convince you to change your clothing shopping habits, avoiding fast fashion will also benefit your wallet.

    Items that are likely to be on-trend for one season only are best purchased used. Visit some of the thrift shops in your area, or shop on Thred Up if you don’t have many lovely shops in your area. For essential items that are likely to be in style for years to come, purchase high quality, more expensive items. Though the investment may seem costly at first, you’ll save money over time.

    5. Books

    Though e-readers and Kindle continue to grow in popularity, many still love a good old-fashioned paper book. There is nothing wrong with being a good old-fashioned bibliophile, but paper books do have an impact on the environment.

    In the age of the internet, it’s easier than ever before to find a used copy of that new book you have your eye on. Even if it’s a recent release, you should be able to find a used copy on Abe Books for a few dollars less.

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    5 Items You Should B…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 8 min