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    Why is SI Joint Pain Worse at Night? (Top 3 Possible Reasons Explained!!!)

    Why is SI Joint Pain Worse at Night? (Top 3 Possible Reasons Explained!!!)

    Ever wondered why your SI joint pain worsens mostly at night?

    A complicated question with a simple answer—it’s because when you lie down, you put your weight on your SI joint.

    Putting your weight on the SI joint isn’t always the only reason for this; continuous position shifting at night is also a reason you face this pain. However, another reason for this worsening SI joint pain could be due to being inactive in the sleep. This leads to inflammatory chemicals in your joints that make you feel stiffer in the morning.

    Wanna know more about why your SI joint pain gets bad at night? The blog has you covered with the top 3 reasons and solutions. Binge on till the end.

    Know The Possible Reasons For SI Joint Pain In 30 Seconds!

    SI joint pain can be “one hell of a discomfort” and tends to worsen at night. This is because when you sleep, your position gets shifted to the side where the pain is, and this results in unbearable joint pain.

    Although red light therapy is one of the best way to relieve sacroiliac pain, you should still consider other factors, too!

    • Firstly, avoid sleeping on the side where there’s pain;
    • Next, pump your pillows to position your thighs and legs.
    • Lastly, trial and error are used to determine the best mattress type.

    Understand SI Joint Pain

    SI (Sacroiliac) joint pain mainly originates from the SI joints. The pain can get triggered for many reasons:

    • Injury
    • Joint inflammation
    • Muscle imbalances,
    • Degeneration

    All these conditions are responsible for triggering SI joint pain. You may even face pain in your lower back, pain down your leg, or your buttocks.

    Expert chiropractors usually recommend taking physiotherapies to suppress the pain as much as possible. Doing so might give you temporary relief, but you need to bring a few more remedies for long-term relief.

    Red light therapy and proper sleep can reduce nighttime pain. You can get red light therapy in MS at Core Wellness & Recovery.

    You’ll also notice reduced stiffness after waking up. Yet, weekly follow-ups and treatments prescribed by your doctor are highly recommended. Proper and effective treatments will provide faster pain relief, but you must adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions and take medications as recommended.

    3 Reasons SI Joint Pain is Worse at Night

    SI joint pain loves rearing its head just when you catch some Z’s, and you know what? It just worsens as the night deepens.

    Lack of Movement

    During the day, you’re active, moving, working, doing your thing. All these movements keep your joints fit and fine, like a properly oiled machine. But comes the nighttime, you’re all tucked in with “no necessary” movements. This is where the SI joint pains strike. It can lead to stiffness and crankiness, especially around the SI joint.

    Plus, lying in one spot doesn’t help either. So, when you aren’t switching positions, the pain gradually increases due to the extra pressure on the SI joints.

    Shuffling During Sleep

    Ever notice how you toss and turn all night? It’s your brain’s fault as it keeps seeking the “ultimate comfy position,” and it’s not you. Only mostly everyone does that. Sometimes, those shifts can mess with your SI joint.

    For instance, if you’re sleeping on your side and your leg’s sprawled out, it can throw your pelvis out and put extra pressure on that already sensitive joint. Or, if you’re a stomach sleeper, the arch in your back? Trust me, it’s not exactly friendly to your SI joint’s comfort levels. But the good news is habits can be changed, so try changing your shuffling habits!


    Inflammation is more like those unwelcome guests who don’t want to leave! All your activities can stir up inflammation around your SI joint throughout the day. Normally, your body sends in the anti-inflammatory squad to give you relief. But at night? That’s where the pain gets on the nerve! Levels of those anti-inflammatory hormones drop while the inflammation markers go.

    So, your SI joint feels more inflamed and achy when you’re trying to catch some shut-eye. These are the top 3 main reasons responsible for giving you a hell night, making the SI pain get worse.

    How to Sleep With SI Joint Pain?

    • The first thing you need to do is avoid sleeping on the affected side. This can exert extra stress on your SI joint and make it challenging to get up in the morning. Try to sleep on the less painful side, and if you think you might roll back to the other side, placing a pillow should do the trick.
    • The next thing you can do is pump up your pillows. If you are a back sleeper, then this position can give you intense relief. Research has shown that the back sleeping position puts less pressure on your joints for SI joint pain. Placing a pillow under your thighs and knees can exert even less pressure on your SI joints.
    • Another recommended way to sleep is to choose softer mattresses. While preferences will surely vary, experts and doctors agree that the best mattresses are neither too hard nor too soft.
    • If your mattress isn’t working, consider placing plywood under or on the floor. After some time, if you feel good and see improvements, you should go for a firm mattress. To check if you’re more on the “softer mattress side,” sleep only for a few nights with the mattress topper. If you see improvements in the SI joint pain, you need a soft mattress.

    Note: Different patients come with different SI joint conditions and preferences. So, don’t worry about going through trial and error before figuring out your sweet spot for SI joint comfort.

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    Why is SI Joint Pain…

    by Anthony Johnson Time to read this article: 13 min