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    Young Black CEO Blakk Tatted Makes $1 Million Overnight Destroying Tobacco Industry

    Young Black CEO Blakk Tatted Makes $1 Million Overnight Destroying Tobacco Industry

    Blakk Tatted is the young music artist & social media star-turned-CEO behind Blakk Smoke, a revolutionary brand of Hookah products containing zero tobacco and zero nicotine.

    Many will also recognize him as the “New Orleans Dip King,” crowned by his pioneering the “Dip Challenge,” & releasing the viral music single “Dip Witchaaa”.

    After gaining a massive online following through his viral social media skits & art, famed New Orleans native Blakk Tatted realized he was putting money into the pockets of major corporations when he could be earning it for himself. This led to the creation of Blakk Smoke, his own unique line of hookah products including his wildly popular Hookah vape pen that made over $1 Million in less than 9 hours.

    Blakk Tatted talks about his entrepreneurial journey with his brand Blakk Smoke and shares success tips for aspiring dreamers & doers.

    Where are you from originally?

    I am originally from New Orleans, LA.

    What was the inspiration for the development of ‘Blakk Smoke’?

    Blakk Smoke came about as a result of my lifestyle. I have a true genuine love for hookah. I loved everything about hookah, especially the vibe. The only thing I didn’t like was the side effects I would get. I didn’t like feeling light-headed and catching headaches after smoking hookah, which was a result of the nicotine and tobacco, so I was looking for a tastier and healthier alternative but it just didn’t exist, so that lead me to create my own no-nicotine & no-tobacco brand. That’s how Blakk Smoke came about.

    What is a current challenge for you and how would you approach it?

    I’d have to say, thankfully, that my only challenge is keeping up with my own growth. My supporters continuously increase their demand, so it’s been a learning experience on how to best keep them happy and keep inventory.

    What was one thing you did that exceeded your expectations when you began developing Blakk Smoke?

    The overall product itself. Being that I designed it myself from scratch as it relates to the overall concept, packaging, taste, etc. seeing it all come together as it did blow me away.

    How did your independent fruit innovation make over $1 Million in less than 9 hours?

    I believe it was the excitement that my supporters had. I’ve put so much into this and they knew it and were anticipating it, so when the product hit the site it just went crazy, and boom! I made a million.

    What does success mean to you? What are your rules for success?

    I feel like success means you can create your own rules for your life. When you’re successful, your life is what you choose to make of it.

    How did you leverage your social media presence, resilience, and grit to lead you to where you are today?

    People that came to my social media really became like family. They were asking me to create something to sell for years. I was already working on something, but I was listening. They wanted to support me. So when I dropped, they showed out and bought it all. I wasn’t given anything in this world. So, when I got started, I took my time to make sure everything was perfect and fought to create it just like I envisioned it. To this day, I still design and create everything for my brand. That led me here and is going to keep me growing.

    How do you handle comparisons between Blakk Smoke and other companies? What is one way you continue to distinguish your brand and stand apart?

    What other companies? We are the first of its kind in the market. I don’t see anyone doing what I do and how I do it. It’s 100% fruit with no nicotine and no tobacco.

    The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what or who inspires you the most?

    I inspire myself every day. To be the best you have to stay inspired. You can’t depend on getting that from anyone else. It’s best to keep yourself motivated each day.

    What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

    I actually have many challenges that I face in business. It’s not as easy as it looks. I have to overcome obstacles on a daily but by the grace of God, I overcome.

    What is your favorite or original innovation-related motto, quote, or words to live by?

    “Faith is the only thing stronger than Fear!”

    So, don’t be afraid to dream. Believe in you. If you can envision it, then you can achieve it.

    I hope to change the world with my products and to keep people motivated. I want people to see my success and feel like they can achieve it too. I want the world to know that this is really possible.

    Connect with Blakk Tatted!


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